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Twinnovative Ideas: A Guide to the First Year of Parenting Twins


Two bundles of joy equal double the love, they say. And…double the mess, and double the screams. But focus on love! Raising twins is an incredibly unique challenge. From the moment they’re born all the way up to young adulthood, you’ll get to experience one of the most beautiful, complicated dynamics that can exist between two siblings. It’ll be a valuable journey full of unforgettable adventures. But first things first: what will you need to cater to two babies at the same time? Read on and find out.

Get a double pram

A double pram will be one of your most essential tools when it comes to raising twins. The benefits of strolling with new babies have been well-documented by many superhero parents out there, but when you’ve got twins, you’ll have three people reaping the benefits, not just two! Strolling is a great way of introducing your babies to the outside world, as well as allowing new mums to start being active again at their own pace after giving birth. For twins, you’ll want to find a convertible pram with a sturdy lightweight build to ensure maximum flexibility and comfort for your two little ones.

A flexible, customizable pram with substantial storage options is key for strolling with twins. Double the amount of babies means double the emergency supplies, which includes food, water, and separate comfort items like toys and pacifiers. And of course, you’ll want some space for your own essentials too! If you can find a double pram that also comes equipped with some canopies, that would also be ideal, just so your babies can feel free to take naps on long trips, or simply to give them a break from the sun.  

Develop rules, habits, and a daily schedule

With twins, you’ll really grow to appreciate a well-structured day and well-defined bath and meal habits. It goes without saying that for the first few weeks, you’ll want to tag-team everything with your partner or your extended family, and this is definitely a good method to help you settle into parenting twins. And it’s during this ‘tag team’ period that you’ll benefit from establishing your daily schedule as well as becoming familiarised with your babies’ feeding and bathing habits.

Whether this means using specific types of clothing to signify which baby is which (whilst you’re still getting started!), or even investing in separate washbasins and crockery, it’s all about finding what works best for you and your family. Take the time to really engage with your little ones in these early days, and you’ll find that as your babies grow older, they’ll start responding to their daily schedules as well!

Encourage play

Finally, when you’ve got twins, it’s natural that they’ll want to play with one another all the time. And that one will kind of always get the upper hand. Even though they’ve shared a womb, it’s not unusual for twins to experience a little bit of conflict or competition with one another. But the silver lining here is that you won’t need to worry too much about finding opportunities to socialize your baby, because they have each other! You should encourage positive play between them by rewarding good behavior and responding happily to healthy interactions. Encouraging positive play from a younger age will make it more likely that your twins will be model citizens come kindergarten!

If you follow these little tips, you’ll find that raising twins will genuinely be a very enriching experience both for you as well as your family. Enjoy the little moments, and make sure to document every double milestone! Your little ones will grow up and appreciate each and every story you’ve got to share. 

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