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Maximize Your Weekend Bonding By Doing these 5 Tips

How do you spend the little 48 hours you have on the weekend? These two days often seems to accelerate and before you know it it’s already Monday morning, so, why not maximize the weekend bonding with family and friend?

Maximize Your Weekend Bonding By Doing these 5 Tips

Here are few tips on how to maximize your weekend bonding.

Makeover a to-do list

Doing laundry, cooking meals, cleaning up the house and other tasks are essential, and the best time to do them is often on the weekend. However, this also means that you will be spending less time with your kids when you should be. So, divide your to-do list into three categories, delegate, don’t do and do. If you don’t have to do anything on the weekend, then cross it off. Decide if you can delegate someone else to do it. Delegate lawn mowing or some landscaping tasks to a professional lawn company like Ryan’s Lawn Mowing, or hire a professional maid to do home cleaning; whatever you do, make sure you get help even if this will come at a cost. Put a dollar sign for the items or things you can do to show you have saved some money.

Involve the kid

You may not have enough time to bond with kids, because there is so much to be done, so why not involve them in your daily chores? Delegate some simple task to them; turn this moment to a parenting and bonding time. Remember your job is not to be a personal assistant, it’s to be a parent, and this involves teaching them to do things and be independent.

Rely on technology to get updates on possible delays

The last thing you want is to be stuck on traffic for five hours on the weekend, so sign-up for city text alerts where you get updates on transportation delays, snow days and other emergencies that might prevent you from bonding with your family.

Reduce time wasters

How many hours do you or your kids spend looking for shoes, keys, phones, sunglasses and other personal stuff? These can waste some precious time that you should be out there in the park or some trip with your kids, so create an organized system such that every item has its place. Set up a hook or a small basket near the door where small personal stuff will be kept. To avoid morning stress make sure everything is accessible.

Create new traditions

You don’t have to wait for holidays to bond with family. Sunday breakfasts or weekend shopping, Friday game night, or gardening can bring all of you together. Whatever tradition you choose, it may be a good idea to include family relatives like your parents; your kid will love spending quality time with their grandma. Make sure that no devices are included at this time, no texting, no Facebook and no TV.

The weekend is a great time to get all the things you wanted to do on weekdays, it’s a time most of us want to escape the world around us, but it also the only time we have to spend quality time without kids and family. Don’t let a million things hounding you prevents family bonding, follow these simple tips to maximize your weekend.

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