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Healthy Eating Tips for Holiday Party Season

Healthy Eating Tips for Holiday Party Season

You are almost at the holiday party season. Pretty much November starts a long stretch of holidays where you get invited to spend time with family and friends over a warm meal. Whether you’re looking to eat healthier due to a diet change or simply to not gain a ton of extra weight during the holiday party season, I have the solutions for you. Here are my top healthy eating tips for the holiday party season:

Fill that Tummy

Do not go to a holiday party on an empty stomach. Try to eat some nuts or string cheese before you head out to a holiday party so that your tummy isn’t growling upon arrival.

Dress Correctly

Do not wear comfy attire that allows for easy stretching. Think about dressing correctly for that holiday party as preparing your clothing to keep you from overeating.

Watch Those Drinks

Booze can carry a lot of calories so if you’re thinking about drinking booze or soda, do not drink too much. Often times we gain extra weight simply by our drink choices at a holiday party.

Avoid the Buffet

If the holiday party is offering a food buffet, do your best to avoid it at all costs. Consider having a small plate of healthy food options so that you fill up on those before diving into a special treat at the party.

Place food on Plate

No matter how the food is served at these holiday parties, be sure to only eat food that you place on a plate. This keeps you in control of portions and in turn, helps you eat healthier.

Bring Water

If you’re not up for the challenge in avoiding or paying close attention to the drinks that you consume, bring your own water bottle. You can even purchase a fruit infuser water bottle to add flavor.

Be Last in Line

If your holiday party has food set up in a way that everyone has to stand in a line to make their plate, then go last. If you’re last then there won’t be as much food left and no overeating will occur.

There you have it, some healthy eating tips for the holiday party season. These tips and tricks will help ensure that you still choose foods and drinks that are within your diet regulations and avoid overeating during these fun holiday parties that you will attend between November and January.

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