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Common Mistakes People Make When Heating Their Home And How To Avoid Them

We’ve all been enjoying the summer sun. Lazy days in the garden, afternoons at the beach and getting a fabulous tan… that’s what summer is all about, am I right?! Unfortunately, the days of this life are almost over for another year. Fall is about to set in, and after that, winter. Global warming means that in certain areas, winters are not as harsh as they once were. However, some scientists dispute that global warming automatically means warmer winters. Some claim that due to more water evaporating from the earth’s surface, we can actually expect more snowfall. This is said to be due to the extra precipitation in the earth’s atmosphere. Therefore, even if you’re wholly confident you’re in for a warm winter, it can still be worth checking that you’re prepared. Here are some common mistakes people make when heating their homes for winter, and how you can avoid them.


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Leaving your fireplace open

If you have a real fire with a chimney, this could be the cause for the cold temperature. After all, you essentially have a big hole in your home that is open to the elements. Cold air and water can come down your chimney and into the home, so consider getting the fireplace sealed up if you don’t use it. If you still want the option to use it occasionally, speak to a professional to see if they can recommend a removable sealant.

Digital thermostat in the living room


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Cranking up the thermostat

If you’ve been out in the cold all day, coming into a freezing house is the worst. When you can’t feel your fingers, the only thing you want is heat, and you want it fast. This is why so many people turn their thermostats up to the max when returning to a cold home. In fact, this can cause your bills to skyrocket, and you may end up sweating in your home rather than being at a comfortable temperature. The best thing to do is to buy a programmable thermostat. That way, you can set it to start heating up to a reasonable temperature for when you get in; saving you money as well.

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Not getting your heating system checked

It can definitely be worth drafting in a professional before winter comes just to see that everything is working okay. Heating companies are generally overrun with call-outs during winter. Therefore, getting your system checked before the cold weather sets in can save you both money and time. If you feel like you need a replacement system, speaking to a company such as can help you decide what will be best for your home.

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Not insulating your windows

Most houses these days have double glazed windows. This can be a lifesaver in the winter and a nightmare in the summer! However, even if you already have double (or triple) glazing, there is still plenty you can do to increase your insulation. Consider installing some window films as these will help retain the heat inside your home. Using thick, heavy duty curtains can also help keep cold air at bay. Hanging one across your door can prevent a draught from coming through the frame or the keyhole.