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Are You Disinfecting These Key Items

Are You Disinfecting These Key Items

Germs, Germs, Everywhere

When it comes to a healthy home, you may do your part in vacuuming and dusting. Perhaps you even break out the cleaner and wash the windows. How often do you spend your time sterilizing the house, however? Wiping down your countertops may be one part of it, but there are other just as germ-filled areas of the home that also need to be sterilized. Families with young children who are prone to illness need to take extra steps of cleaning their homes of germs. It certainly doesn’t harm you either. This article will discuss the key items that you should focus your attention on when sterilizing your home.

Keeping your home sanitary is clearly quite important. However, for those who run a hospital, keeping the premise just as sanitary is even more important. The spread of germs in a hospital could prove to be a lethal situation to some. All it takes is one bad infection for someone who was on the mend to suddenly become deathly ill.

Because a hospital can be in trouble for not practicing excellent cleaning habits, they need to make sure that they are sterilizing key items with the Sterrad for ultimate sterilizing power.

In the Hospital

1. Surgical Equipment

You should always hope that after surgery, the instruments that are used are properly sterilized. If not, this could gravely injure the health and wellbeing of anyone who has that surgical equipment used on them after. It can lead to the development of a disease like AIDs or Hepatitis. These are diseases which can completely alter the way someone lives their life. By using a high-quality piece of equipment to sterilize the surgical instrument, you can be sure that it is ready to be used safely for the next surgery.

2. Other Medical Equipment

There is a lot of medical equipment used in a hospital that can be passed along between doctors and nurses. Anything that may be contained on them can also be passed from patient to patient if they’re not sterilized properly. Again, you should ensure that every piece of medical equipment is given its time to be sterilized. Stethoscopes, ear inspectors, even beds should be properly cleaned and sterilized after each use for protection.

In the Home

1. Cellphone

When was the last time you actually washed your cellphone? Have you ever? Considering that most phones don’t like water it can be difficult to know how to clean the phone. In fact, it may just be easier to pretend that the phone cleans itself. It doesn’t. Every time you lift your phone to your face, you’re bringing all of the germs that are on it close to your mouth and nose. Although you shouldn’t soak your phone in water to clean it, you should take a few sanitary wipes and clean it thoroughly. Now you can touch your phone without worrying about contracting the next plague.

2. Between Countertop Slabs

One extremely popular interior decorating choice when it comes to the kitchen and bathroom are slabs. No matter what material it is, you can be sure that it is covered with germs if you don’t clean between the slabs. When you sweep your sponge or rag across the countertop, all you’re doing is sending those germs and crumbs into the cracks between the slabs. If you are unable to seal those cracks completely, then you need to ensure that you take the time to clean into those spaces regularly. Otherwise, those germs are just infecting your countertop all over again.

3. Doorknobs

How often do you clean your doorknobs? Has it ever been done? Much like your phone, it may be easier to think that doorknobs just clean themselves or don’t get dirty. Unfortunately, they do. If anyone sick has touched that doorknob, then there’s a good chance that anyone not sick might become infected when touching that doorknob, too. Luckily, these guys are easy to clean. You just need a quick sanitary wipe and twist it all around the knob. Now you can offer a sterilized entry or exit to anyone who uses the door.

Remember to clean and disinfect on a regular basis. If you can’t remember to do it, mark it down on the calendar. Soon it will be something that becomes a habit.

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