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5 Issues That Suppress Your Immune System And What To Do About Them

Our immune systems are made up of chemicals, organs, and cells that protect our bodies from bacteria, viruses, and foreign bodies.

While they are never able to protect us from everything, they are undoubtedly the reason why we aren’t struck down by illnesses constantly.

However, there will be times in your life when it seems like all you’re doing is battling one illness after another.

When that happens, a weakened immune system might be to blame.

5 Issues That Suppress Your Immune System And What To Do About Them

If you’re curious about why this happens and what you can do about it, read on to learn more.

A Lack of Sleep

The more sleep you get, the more antibodies your body can produce to fend off illness.

If you aren’t getting enough sleep, your body can’t make enough of these antibodies.

Alongside improving your sleep routine, you may also like to try a supplement like Argentyn 23 to bolster your immune system.

This dietary supplement consists of bio-active silver hydrosol which is a liquid formula for immune support and overall wellness.

It’s easy to take and may be able to provide your body with the support it needs.

Alcohol Consumption

A refreshing alcoholic beverage on a warm summer’s day can be the perfect treat.

However, it can be worth remembering that over-drinking can easily impact how your body can repair itself.

It can also put you at an increased risk of certain cancers, liver disease, and even tuberculosis.

While you don’t have to give up alcohol completely, it can be worth limiting how much you drink for the sake of your immune system and general health.

A High-Fat Diet

Fried food is okay as a treat, but high-fat foods should not form a significant part of your overall diet.

5 Issues That Suppress Your Immune System And What To Do About Them

Oil and bad fats can impact your white blood cells’ ability to fight off germs, which may mean you are struck down by illness more often than average.

Swap those fatty meats and deep-fried foods for seafood and lean proteins like chicken and turkey.

If you’re going to have beef, consider cutting off the fat.

Not Enough Vitamin D

Our bodies need plenty of vitamins and minerals to keep us healthy. One that helps your immune system in particular is Vitamin D.

If you don’t get enough of this essential vitamin, your immunity can be lacking.

You can replenish your vitamin D supply by getting plenty of sunlight and eating eggs, fatty fish like salmon, and fortified foods.

For instance, at-home IV treatments such as IV therapy in Scottsdale and other US cities can help you restore the missing vitamin complex in a short time and boost your immunity in the right way.

A Lack of Fruit and Vegetables

Fruit and vegetables help your body produce infection-fighting white blood cells.

The more fruit and vegetables you eat, and the more wide-ranging the variety, the more you can support your immune system. Incorporating supplements line beet powder can be super beneficial.

Fill your diet with nutritious vegetables containing vitamins A, C, and E, along with zinc and fiber.

Fortunately, there are several innovative ways to increase your fruit and vegetable intake and make healthier choices.

Your immune system is your internal barrier protecting you from all manner of harmful germs, bacteria, and viruses.

Be proactive with your health and begin making healthy choices that bolster your immunity as much as possible.

Supplements, more fruit and vegetables, and a low-fat diet may be excellent areas to address first.

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