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4 Tech Resources Every Savvy Homeowner Should Be Using

Technology can help you in many ways today and every homeowner should be using its capabilities to the max. It will help you improve your home in multiple ways from better security to enhanced functionality to saving your money. Check out some ideas on how you can use different technologies and resources to make your home a better place.


Everyone who is even a little health-aware today should know that our indoor sedentary lifestyles are greatly unhealthy. Even if you are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, often the quality of the indoor conditions reduces the positive results you achieve through a good diet and exercise. And Delos is a solution that can help you solve this particular problem. This is a system of smart solutions that can be installed at home to improve the wellness of residents.

Delos DARWIN solution for residential properties includes versatile tech that can analyze and improve the quality of water and air in your home. Sensors will analyze the environment and activate specialized devices when necessary so they can create a healthy place for you to live in.

This solution also has a dynamic lighting feature. This kind of tech is important for helping you maintain a healthy sleep schedule and keep your circadian rhythm within the norm. This alone can be a major factor in making you much healthier and boosting all residents’ wellness in every way.

Every homeowner can benefit from Delos, so start planning your budget and savings in a way that will help you afford this type of home improvement soon. Or, you can use this system as inspiration and add various tech for improving the indoor environment one piece at a time.


The Internet has millions of articles with seemingly helpful tips, but their quality varies. Therefore, using specialized and reputed resources is safer than a simple online search for some how-to guide. HomeGenerosity is one of such resources that can provide homeowners with a host of helpful information.

The main benefit of this particular portal is its versatility. It offers multiple articles that range from DIY guides for repairing every part of a home to product reviews. It’s a good place for a beginner DIYer to start researching the basics they will need to evaluate whether they should try their hand at a project.

It’s also a helpful portal for homeowners looking for answers to some highly specific questions. Millennials, as the leading generation for DIYers will appreciate the resource.

Discount Coupon Websites

Groupon, RetailMeNot, and Coupons are a few of the simple online services homeowners can use to get discounts for various home improvement products. Never ignore the power of coupons because some of the deals you can discover by watching these websites are very good.

This service is best used when you plan a home improvement project. Start monitoring coupons for relevant stores and goods a few months in advance. This way, you’ll be able to stock up on everything you need gradually and cut the costs significantly overall.

As coupon websites have automatic email newsletters and alerts features, monitoring them for the discounts you are interested in will be easy. You can subscribe to these services and even if you don’t need them at the moment, they will be regularly providing you with updates on good deals.

Smart Sensors

One of the first things you should put on your home improvement list is installing a variety of smart sensors in your home. They might not be directly tied to improving your wellness, like Delos solutions. But many of the sensors you can find today will help protect your life and increase the security of your home. That’s not even to mention saving you money.

Start with carbon monoxide and mold detectors as well as sensors that will analyze the quality of water. You can find a variety of those in any tech shop, both online and offline.

Next, look into various security solutions, such as Z-Wave sensors that will register changes in your home, like tampering with doors or windows.

And don’t forget sensors that can control smart lights, faucets, and outlets. They will reduce water and energy waste and save you money while helping protect the environment as a whole.

All in all, homeowners of today have dozens of ways to use tech in order to improve their homes. You just need to spend some time researching the many resources available to you and create a plan on how to incorporate them into your life and home.

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