When you have to plan a move with a family it’s nothing short of stressful. After having moved many times, I’ve learned a thing or two. There are many tips I could share with you about the process of packing up one home to unpack in another and the in-between steps to get there, but today I wanted to focus on the biggest tip that I could possibly share with you to save time, money and sanity.
Organize Everything Prior to the Move
Every person on this Earth has probably had a moment when they were running out of time during the packing process and simply started tossing things into contractor bags. This is a famous way to just get things packed up and into the moving truck to arrive at your new home. While this is a time saver when you’re packing up items, it can add time on the other end when you’re unpacking. My biggest tip for you when it comes to moving is that you organize everything prior to your moving date.
Every box should have an appropriate label of what room it goes into so that you can place moving boxes in the proper room upon arrival to your new home. Start packing items in advance so that you’re not getting down to the last minute packing and doing the contractor bag trick. This will ensure that you have a more peaceful move to your new home and are better able to unpack quicker.
Replace Air Filters
The next most important thing I’ve learned from moving is that the air can be polluted in your new home due to the prior owners or renters never changing the air filter system. If you are susceptible to pollutants in the air or other air born allergens, I highly recommend you replace the air filters in your new home.
In doing this step of replacing air filters, you’re better able to breathe easy and know that your children won’t come down with unnecessary sickness or allergies due to the air in your new home being polluted.
I love I’m able to buy 3M Filtrete air filters at Sam’s Club for lower than normal prices. My Sam’s Club Membership offers me a significant value on these air filters so that I can rest easier knowing the air is being protected in my new home. If you’re thinking about moving or in the process of a move, you can sign up for Sam’s Club Membership and get your instant savings of many items but most importantly $8 savings on these 3M Filtrete air filters to replace in your new home.
While you’re looking into signing up for your new Sam’s Club Membership for instant savings, be sure to check out and enter to win one of ten $100 Sam’s Club gift cards being given away at Savings.com
Geraline Batarra
Tuesday 20th of November 2018
Nice post and love your simple but very important tips to have in planning to move to another place. I agree in putting a label in every box so that it will be easy for you to unpack your things upon moving to your new house.
Kristine Nicole Alessandra
Monday 19th of November 2018
Thanks for sharing your advice. My husband and I are very satisfied with the house we bought 20 years ago. There may be some maintenance issues but only minor ones. I will have to check out those air filters at Sam's Club. I love the discount I could get!
Rhian Westbury
Monday 19th of November 2018
I am going to be moving next year and I'm already thinking about packing and what we should and shouldn't be taking with us. It's good to be prepared though x