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What Is Scratch: What Age Is Suitable For Children To Learn Scratch Programming?

Nowadays, almost all parents seem to be in a rush to teach their kids how to program while they’re still learning the alphabet.

Well, not literally, but most parents have started realising the benefits of learning to code, and that’s made them want their kids to start learning from a young age so they can become pros by the time they’re in high school.

In this article, we’ll explain what Scratch is, why you should teach your kids that programming language, and what age is the perfect time to get started on it.

Let’s dive right in!

What Is Scratch: What Age Is Suitable For Children To Learn Scratch Programming?

What is Scratch?

Scratch is a programming language which is visual, making it a great option for kids who are just being introduced into the world of coding.

Basically, it involves colorful blocks which will have to be dragged and dro0s here, but can focus on building interactive games and activities by joining different code blocks together. 

It’s a great way to get started, especially if your kid is still young and not old enough to understand the complex aspects of coding.

Though Python is also a coding language that many young learners can start off with, Scratch is more interactive and is best suited for visual learners who find it hard to concentrate on letters and numbers. 

How Do You Teach Scratch?

One of the best things about Scratch is that there isn’t a difficult learning curve, even for beginners.

In fact, it’s one of the most popularly used programming apps for kids who are just starting to learn how to code.

The best part about Scratch is that there’s a separate app for very small kids known as ScratchJr, which can be accessed on mobile interfaces too.

All you have to teach your kid to do is understand which brick or blog he or she will have to drag and drop to form logical chains or links.

Pretty easy to grasp, right? The app also comes with instruction manuals and guides so if you ever find yourself in doubt, you can always refer to them along the way.

What’s the Best Age to Learn Scratch?

As mentioned earlier, ScratchJr is specifically meant for beginners who are new to coding.

If your kid is between 6 to 8, then you can start off with ScratchJr and slowly ease them into other games and apps as they begin to grasp the concepts of coding.

What Is Scratch: What Age Is Suitable For Children To Learn Scratch Programming?

However, if your child is between the ages of 8 and 15, you’ll be able to start them off directly on Scratch, which is built specifically for that age group.

However, do remember that Scratch is not limited to any particular age group, and can be used by older teens and adults who are starting to code too.

The app is designed to help anyone understand the basics of coding, so if you’re going to start out coding for the first time, this is one app that will help you develop a strong foundation, after which you can move on to more complex programming languages. 


Here’s a gist of everything you need to know about Scratch:

  • It’s a simple programming language that’s visual and helps children understand the concepts of programming.
  • It involves a colorful interface where blocks can be dragged and dropped to form logical links and sequences.
  • It can be learned by children and adults who are new to programming.
  • ScratchJr is meant for kids between the ages of 5 to 8.
  • Anyone over the age of 8 can directly start learning with Scratch.

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