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Weed’s Role In Ancient History

Weed, also known as marijuana or cannabis, or pot, holds a vast history of human usage.

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Many ancient communities and cultures did not use the plant to get higher but used it as an herbal medicine practice that started in Asia around 500 BC.

Nowadays, it is easy to get high-quality cannabis products.

If you live in Canada, you can simply get them delivered straight to your home via registered online dispensary like XpressGrass.

But in the past, especially in America, cannabis cultivation history goes as far as ancient tribal shamans who grew marijuana for spiritual healing and Rituals.

As early colonists arrived in America, they started growing hemp for textile and ropes.

Weed’s Role In Ancient History

East Asia

In East Asian places like China and Japan, cannabis has been growing for its oilseed and fiber for over 1000 years.

Scientists even found a 2500-year-old funeral buyer that used an incense burner that had the eminence of cannabis compounds in the Eastern Pamir region!

They showed that a lot of people in China in ancient times were using cannabis plants for their funeral activities.

Similarly, cannabis for burials has been discovered in the north of China, too, in the Altai Mountains of Russia.

Also has been a lot in the cannabis or in Greek history books.

Excerpts from the late first millennium BC in Greek stories show that a lot of people indulged in smoking and drinking cannabis compounds.

It is assumed that cannabis traveled from East Asia to other parts of the world to the ancient trade route of the early silk road.

The silk road was a very important factor for trade and culture spread in the ancient world and food spices medicine and other chemical products but occasionally traveling from one part of the world to another through it.

We can now safely say that the knowledge of cannabis smoking and other high chemical varieties of marijuana were among the traditions and culture that spread to the routes like the silk road.

In the ancient world, cannabis had a lot of uses when it came to treating a variety of symptoms and illnesses that were recognized early on.

Physical pain, cholera, depression, anxiety, and schizophrenic episodes were all dealt with in some way by cannabis.

The Middle East and Greece In a city called Ebla in the middle east, scientists found the remnants of a large kitchen that was used for preparing cannabis products and other psychotropic pharmaceuticals.

Also, there have been other places found in Greece, and dad tells us about how the ancient world of Athens in Sparta used weed for different situations.

Weed’s Role In Ancient History

The Greeks believed that extensive use of cannabis could harm the user’s sex life to the point that he no longer feels that desire anymore.

Criminals and sex offenders were made to take weed sometimes to reduce their urges.

We also find evidence of weed consumption in ancient Rome.

A philosopher that went by the name of Pliney, the elder, listed the properties of separate lines, among which was a plant called laughing weed that he called very intoxicating fine when it was added to the wine.

Another philosopher called Galen described hemp being used in a lot of social gatherings to promote laughter and joy.

500 years before this, a Greek historian called Herodotus reported a similar usage of weed.


The Scythian people living near the black sea used to combine pleasure with business.

It has been marked that these people make clothes out of hemp that was so fine that you could not distinguish it from regular linen.

They would take seeds out of the hemp and tell them on hot red stones where the seeds would smolder and give off fumes.

Then they would cover it with mats and crawl under it so that they could bathe in the hot steam and howled with joy and laughter.


The fourth-century dumb of a 14-year-old Roman girl who passed away in childbirth was found near the city of Jerusalem in 1990.

When paleontologists examined the skeleton’s abdominal area, A chemical incense was found, which was later revealed to be a component of cannabis.

Scientists assumed that the drug was used so that the girl’s illness could be eased and her death could be made peaceful.

When we look at drug usage in ancient history, we often need to read between the lines and look for hidden clues that may be hiding in plain sight or, in some cases, abdomens of skeletons!

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