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Uncommon Remedies for Common Hangovers

Uncommon Remedies for Common Hangovers

You’ve had an amazing night out with your friends and get home at 5:00 am feeling like the king of the world…until the next morning. You wake up with your head pounding, your stomach churning and your body aching. For these regretful mornings, a magical hangover cure would certainly come in handy. For the moments you’ve popped the aspirin and downed water to no avail, here are some of the most uncommon (but still effective) hangover cures.

1. Pickle Juice

The thought of a shot of pickle juice might have you crawling right back into your hangover hideout, but scientists have found that the salt in pickles will help replenish all the electrolytes lost during your night out. Combined with water and a good night’s sleep, this salty brew should have you feeling better in no time.

2. Curing Smoothies

There are hundreds of smoothies claiming to end your hangover after the first sip. But is a blended hangover drink really effective? In many cases, these ingredients of the smoothie work together to replenish electrolytes and detox after a long night.

  • Banana Spinach Smoothie. This natural and herbal concoction combines several beneficial ingredients, aside from the stomach-soothing bananas and spinach. Add in some Greek yogurt and chia seeds to aid with digestion; blueberries and coconut oil to help with detox, and cinnamon and honey to elevate your mood.
  • Banana Blueberry Smoothie. There’s no debating the power of bananas when it comes to combating a hangover. Add in plenty of coconut water to help rehydrate your body and several antioxidant-rich berries to boost your vitamin supply.
  • Ginger Pear Juice. Down this combo before you go out because pears reduce alcohol absorption. Combined with cucumber, ginger and lemon—this juice is anti-inflammatory, aids with digestion and boosts hydration.

3. Eat Some Honey

While your first hangover instinct might be to grab the nearest bacon egg and cheese bagel; studies show that a greasy breakfast after a night of alcohol consumption might just give you heartburn. Instead, scientists suggest eating something light—as you would to soothe an upset stomach. Follow the guidelines of the BRAT diet and fix yourself a place of bananas, rice, applesauce or toast. Top off your toast with some honey to calm your nausea and soothe your throat.

However, you treat your hangover, make sure you’re working with your body to replenish its needs. Drink plenty of fluids, boost your blood sugar and take a couple of pain-relievers. If you can, take it easy the next day. Sleep in and allow your body the time to recover. You’ll be back out at the club in no time.

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