Your first year as a parent is going to be one of, if not the toughest one that you will experience. That’s not to say that the others aren’t going to be a challenge because they all are in their own way, but the first year is always going to be more challenging.
The reason for this is because you have to adapt to this new life, taking care of someone else aside from yourself, and this general new way of existing.
With parenthood also comes a whole range of new feelings and emotions that you might never have experienced before.
So, that’s why we have written this article – to give first-time parents or expecting parents who are in their first year some advice.
If you are interested in learning more about what you need to know during this first year, keep reading.
Sleep Will Become A Distant Memory
People aren’t exaggerating when they say that sleep is hard to come by when you have a newborn. It’s easy to say, ‘just sleep when the baby sleeps,’ but this is not actually practical.
There is laundry to do, there are other things that need to be done, and then there’s the fact that sometimes it’s just not possible to actually fall asleep when the baby is asleep.
Either you’re sitting up worried that something is going to happen to them while you are sleeping, or you just aren’t tired at that particular time.
It’s very difficult to try and function when you are exhausted, but you will find a way to manage. No matter how hard it is, and no matter how much you struggle, you will always find a way to manage your way through whatever needs to be done.
Don’t underestimate yourself because you can absolutely do this.
You Are Not Doing It Wrong
One of the common feelings during the first year is that you are doing everything wrong, but you’re not. We know that it feels like this, and we know that no matter what you do, you can’t shake this feeling, but it’s a lie.
You are doing enough just by being yourself. You are doing enough by showing up every time your baby needs you, ensuring that you are attending to their every need.
Your baby is fed, clothed, bathed, and loved, and that is all that matters.
It’s especially important that you don’t get caught up in the shaming that happens to new parents when they do something slightly different from the norm. For example, if you want to formula feed your baby either because you can’t breastfeed or because you don’t want to, you do not have to.
It’s not wrong, your baby is fed, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Skin Conditions In Babies Are Normal

The truth that a lot of new parents don’t know is that skin conditions in babies are completely normal. A lot of babies will have a skin condition at some point when they are younger, and it’s just a case of keeping an eye on it and doing what you can to soothe it if it’s bothering your little one.
For example, newborn acne is extremely common, and this is simply where your little one breaks out in spots, usually all over their body. Though sometimes they are confined to the face and arms.
It’s easy to confuse this with eczema, though, so if you’re confused or you’re not sure about which one your baby has, it’s best to ask a professional.
Knowing whether it’s newborn acne or eczema isn’t an easy feat, so don’t feel bad if you can’t tell the difference!
There are other skin conditions that your baby could have, like rashes, but we always recommend seeking medical advice for these. It’s better safe than sorry, and the medical professionals will agree with us on this one.
Illnesses Are Common
We know that it’s absolutely terrifying when your newborn starts to get poorly, but it’s going to happen at some point.
Your baby can catch the cold, the flu, and pretty much everything that we can catch, which is why you need to be careful with them during cold and flu season.
If your baby is only a few weeks old and gets a cold, you should see a doctor just to be on the safe side. However, once they get past the three-month stage, there is no need to do this anymore unless they are particularly poorly.
There are medicines available for 3 months, and as long as you are giving them at the correct dosage, they should help.
Yes, it’s scary, but it’s something that you and your baby need to muddle through.
Milestones Are Important, But Not Everything
When you have a baby, there will be people down your ear about milestones and if your baby is doing something by a certain age. You will also get people asking you if your baby is sleeping through the night, this is one of the most common questions asked of new mums.
You will get a bit sick of hearing it and maybe snap at them in the end. There is no right or wrong thing your baby can do if they don’t sleep through the night, then that isn’t a bad thing.
It just means they haven’t been left to sob their little heart out in their beds, or they need an extra feed due to being hungry.
When you see your doctor for regular checks, they will make sure that your baby is meeting all the milestones they should be. For instance, chatting and walking.
You’ll Never Feel A Love So Strong

The minute you see your baby there in your arms, you experience a new feeling of love. You may have thought that you have loved before, but there is no love like the one you have for your child.
A baby needs you every minute of the day, they cannot do anything for themselves. You will always love your child unconditionally, there is no doubt about it.
Babies are born, and a hormone is released in your body that creates that loving feeling you are experiencing. This is a survival tactic for when they had to survive in the wilds with the cavemen.
If your baby cries then you too will feel sad, this is just about adjusting to life as a parent. One day you will hear that cry and think not again.
It Will Test You In Every Way
If you think you are prepared for parenthood because you have looked after children in the past, you are mistaken. Those ones you can hand back at the end of the day, your children are with you from the moment they wake up to the minute they go to sleep.
In the first year, you will experience tiredness you never knew existed. However, you will look at your little baby’s face, and it will all be worth it.
If you are finding anything difficult or you are not sure how to do something, then you can ask the experts or other people you know who have children.
We hope you found this article helpful and that it gave you some top tips on how to manage and get through the first year of parenthood.
Get through this first year, and you will be able to handle anything and everything they throw at you in the future.
Never be afraid to ask for help when it comes to your children, there is not one person out there who will judge you. Something else that is essential to remember is that no question you ask is the wrong question.