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Property Damage You Probably Never Realized Could Happen To Your Home


We often see freak accidents that have happened on the news. Sometimes, they can damage a family’s home and cause lots of damage that is expensive to repair. If you’re anything like me, I bet you watch and think that it could never happen to you. Well, unfortunately, most of these freak accidents can happen to any of us. Here are some common types of property damage that you maybe thought would never happen to you.


Ok, so graffiti isn’t going to occur as the result of a freak accident. But it is still one type of damage that many people think will never happen to their home. If you live in a particularly rough neighborhood, you may be at a high risk. Especially if there are teenagers living near you. Don’t panic if you do find some graffiti sprayed on the side of your property, though. There are many companies who specialize in getting spray paint cleaned up.


Sinkholes are gaps that suddenly appear on the earth’s surface. It happens when some of the rock just under the surface gradually dissolves and erodes away. Eventually, the surface collapses in on itself. They are extremely hard to predict and can cause serious damage if you have one under your property. However, there are certain areas in the US where they tend to crop up, including Florida, Missouri, and Tennessee.

Termite Infestation

If your house has any wood in its structure, you could be at risk of a termite infestation. You should be especially careful about any wood that is close to the soil outside. If moisture accumulates i the wood, it will look very attractive to termites. If you notice these tiny insects make your property their home, you’ll have to sort them out. Before they cause any structural damage by eating the wood. The easiest way is to get a pest control company to remove the infestation.


In this current day and age, it can be impossible to tell where the next act of terrorism will occur. An attack that involves chemical, nuclear, or biological weapons can be extremely bad news for your house. And the bad news is that many insurance companies refuse to pay out for damage resulting from a terrorist attack.



Most people who live on the coast or close to rivers will already be equipped to protect their homes against flooding. However, there is only so much that can be done if the weather turns bad and we experience a period of excessive rainfall. The worst thing is that bad weather can affect even those properties that are nowhere near natural bodies of water. If flood water gets into your home, it can cause lots of structural issues to your home. It could also damage personal and sentimental items, as well as important documentaries.

As you can see, it is impossible to protect your property from these situations. The best thing you can do is try and insure your property to cover as much as possible.

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