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Oral Health at the Dinner Table: 5 Foods Good for Your Teeth

Oral Health at the Dinner Table: 5 Foods Good for Your Teeth

Most of us know that sweet and sticky foods aren’t good for our teeth. Yet tooth decay remains a serious problem. More than one-quarter of American adults have untreated cavities.

In addition to daily brushing and flossing, the foods we eat can affect our oral health as well. The following five foods good for teeth should be added to your diet to help maintain a healthy smile.

  1. Cheese

Good news for cheese addicts: the tangy dairy product helps keep tooth decay at bay. That’s because cheese—particularly hard varieties like cheddar—increase the PH levels in our mouth. This helps neutralize acids that can erode away at tooth enamel, contributing to cavities.

Cheese is also high in calcium, an important mineral for strong teeth and bones. Treating yourself to a piece after eating acidic foods can help protect your pearly whites until you’ve had a chance to brush and floss them.

  1. Crunchy Produce

Crunchy fruits and veggies such as apples, carrots, and celery contain vitamins that contribute towards healthy gums and teeth. But their harder texture also acts like a natural toothbrush, scrubbing away plaque in between brushing. They also increase saliva production, which counteracts acids in our mouth.

Definitely reach for one of these as a dental-friendly snack instead of candy and chips. Eating these foods is a great way to prevent tooth decay naturally.

  1. Black Coffee

Believe it or not, your daily cup of joe may help keep the dentist’s drill away. At least one study found a link between drinking black coffee and cavity prevention.

Note that we’re talking about black coffee, not coffee with added sweeteners and dairy products. And because coffee stains teeth, you’ll want to clean your teeth after drinking it to keep your smile sparkling.

  1. Sugarless Gum

Not only does sugarless gum taste great, but it can decrease cavity formation the same way cheese does: by neutralizing acids. Like crunchy foods, it also makes us salivate which keeps our mouth moist. A dry mouth is more susceptible to cavities.

  1. Nuts

Reach for a handful of nuts when you need a healthy pick-me-up in between meals and you’ll be protecting your teeth at the same time. Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and Brazil nuts contain phosphorous and calcium, two minerals that produce strong teeth and enamel.

Their crunchiness also helps remove plaque and film from our teeth. Choose plain nuts or those flavored without sweeteners for a tooth-friendly snack your dentist would approve of.

Eat These Foods Good for Teeth

Eating foods good for teeth is just one way to keep your oral health in tip-top shape. You also want to brush twice a day using fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. Floss at bedtime to prevent cavities from forming in between teeth and to protect your gums.

You should visit a dentist every six months for a dental exam and cleaning. Regular dental check-ups will catch any cavities you have so they can be filled while they’re still small.

For more tips on keeping your teeth as well as your whole body healthy, check out my latest wellness posts.

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