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Online Bingo Jackpots Explained

It is not just online slots that have benefited from the ludicrous pace of online casino’s seemingly never-ending expansion, Bingo is also a game that has been adapted to the Internet and experienced fantastic results very quickly. It makes sense though, doesn’t it? Perhaps even more so than online slots. Bingo is an inherently communal game, and with online technology succeeding in bringing people closer and closer together it is only natural it moved onto the Internet. 

One of the major positives about online gambling play is that there is usually a lot more scope to make interesting alterations to the overall experience. We see it all the time in online slots, for instance, and the same thing can be said of online bingo games. One of the main things that can vary here are the different kinds of jackpots available, it pays to be aware of these too, often it can make all the difference.

Online Bingo Progressive Jackpots 

If you are already a keen slot gambler you will most probably know a great deal about the truly tantalizing nature of progressive jackpots. Oh yes believe us, it is not for nothing that many gamblers trek to Las Vegas in order to have a go on the fabled Megabucks machines – their progressive jackpots can often exceed 20 million dollars! But anyhow, progressive jackpots are also available during an online bingo session, and they work in a very similar way. 

So, a progressive jackpot on online Bingo works a little like this – the site will generally decide on a base amount for the prize to be, and then a little off of each ticket bought subsequently will be added on until somebody has the pleasure of winning. The jackpot can be a bit harder to actually win than some other Bingo types, usually because there is a very specific pattern and the number of balls required to emerge victoriously. You cannot deny that it is not worth it though! 

Online Bingo Present Jackpots 

If the drama of a progressive jackpot bingo game doesn’t really take your fancy there is also the more regular world of preset jackpots that can be just as much fun. Unlike the world of progressive prizes, preset jackpots are always the same amount regardless of how many players are buying in, and they are also available in tiers in the vast majority of cases, something that can make it very easy to win at least a little bit of cash during your Bingo session. 

With progressive jackpots, you more or less always have to cross every number out on your card before you have a chance of winning it, but this is not the case with present jackpots. The win amounts are usually staggered, and correspond to the number of balls you needed to reach bingo. So, for instance, if you won on 42 numbers you would win the maximum prize, let’s say £50,000, but if you also had bingo on approximately 60 numbers you would still be in line to win a small prize.

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