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Getting to the Truth of Botox

It’s quite understandable that Botox has had a very, well, certain kind of renown across the world. You’ve heard of it. Most of the people you know have heard of it. Some people you may know may even have gone through a Botox treatment of some kind. Or maybe even you. We hear about it on TV, read about it on the news, our favorite celebrities are mentioned to have had Botox injections. 

What I’m trying to say is that Botox is a very prominent piece of the beauty industry. In fact, that may very well be the only word people actually know in the beauty industry. And unfortunately, as with any other widespread phenomenon, with all the information that’s out there, there’s also quite a lot of misinformation, creating a false image of what Botox is.

So we’re going to debunk a few of these pieces of misinformation and hopefully clear up any confusion or misunderstanding that people have about Botox cost and treatment and all that they’re capable of.

  1. It Makes You Look Like a Plastic Doll

Hard to avoid hearing about this one. A lot of people get put off by Botox and the concept of getting any kind of facial treatment all because they think that Botox will make them look like a plastic doll. 

But this really couldn’t be further from the truth. First of all, before we get to the whole plastic nonsense, let’s first understand how Botox actually works and what it does.

The botulinum toxin, which is the less popular scientific term for Botox, is a special compound which has a very interesting ability. You see, whether you notice or not, your muscles are under constant stress. They’re always super tight and pressure, as they hold your body together. And with this tension, the skin above the muscles begins to sag and trenches begin to form, trenches that we know as wrinkles.

And this is where botulinum toxin comes in. It has a special ability which allows the compound to cool down the muscles and send them into a relaxed state when injected under the skin. Once the muscles are not pressured and tight, the skin above begins to consequently straighten and smooth out, leaving an even surface on the skin above.

There are no cuts, no weird plastic chemicals involved. It’s just a matter of working to relax the muscles for a little bit to allow the skin above to smoothen itself out.

Now, in regards to it looking natural; modern day Botox has gone through enough research and development to have become one of the most trusted and effective forms of anti aging treatments. And this development has also made the compound look very natural when injected. Only the trained eye of a specialist would be able to tell if someone has had the Botox injection.

Otherwise, for the common eye, Botox is very hard to recognize. You can do the research for yourself and try to spot the difference. It’s nearly impossible to tell the difference between naturally tight skin and skin that’s gone through Botox.

If you’ve ever seen any Botox that looks unnatural, then it was most likely one of two cases: either the client has received more than they really need, or perhaps the specialist wasn’t experienced enough to make it look natural enough. 

Fortunately, most clinics employ only the strongest specialists in the field, who know all the nuances to making treatments look as natural as possible. If this was something that had you worried, you really shouldn’t have to worry about it yourself. Just do a little research online to see the results for yourself.

  1. It’s Dangerous

Considering Botox’s popularity and the huge number of clients that opt for Botox based skin and facial treatments, it’s very hard to imagine how something as popular as Botox could be dangerous. But alas, Botox is, at the moment, one of the safest forms of skin treatment and de-aging procedures you can find.

Again, with a lack of knowledge of what Botox is or what it does could spark doubt in its safety, but if you ask anyone who’re specialists in the field or have interests in the beauty industry, they’ll reassure you about the safety of Botox.

A car itself is a safe form of transportation. But if a bad driver is at the helm, it will obviously become exponentially more dangerous. Well, Botox is pretty much the    same. I can’t lie to you and say it’s 100% safe, but unlike the driver’s license,            obtaining the licence to work with Botox, or pretty much perform any facial procedure, requires not only many years of education, but also tons of practice, as well as constant quality and safety checks.

Not to mention; Botox is and has been for almost two decades, been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) as a completely safe form of facial and skin treatment. So, if you don’t want to take my word for it, you can take the FDA’s.

  1. It’s Costly

And lastly, but certainly just as popular of a misconception as the previous two; you’d have to sell both of your kidneys to get Botox. This is absolutely not true. You see; maybe several decades ago, back when the technology was still being developed and the botulinum toxin was still being heavily researched and tested, only a select few could afford such a privilege.

But were at a point where there are countless clinics which offer very good solutions to make it more accessible to get Botox, cost and everything. Botox costs have significantly decreased and are now more available to the general consumers than ever before. Just stroll down to your nearest clinic and you’re sure to find a deal that can fit in your budget, as well as a treatment that you can count on yielding very good results and most importantly, being safe.

Now, one thing you should know about Botox costs, is that they vary from clinic to clinic, but not in terms of simple price, but how they are distributed. Some clinics offer a specific amount of Botox for a price, whereas others may simply treat an entire area of the body. So make sure you check with the clinic how the treatment will be charged before making an appointment. 

So here they are; all the little debunks of these popular myths about Botox. Hopefully, this has shed some light on your inquiries and worries about Botox, maybe even gave you a new appreciation for it. Either way, as long as people like to complain, like to talk to others and like to over-exaggerate everything, the only way to get to the truth of anything is to do the research yourself.

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