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Noktillu Reflective Iron-On’s – A Creative Way To Stay Safe

Noktillu Reflective Iron-On’s – A Creative Way To Stay Safe And A Great Last Minute Gift!

Just talking about iron-on’s brings back so many memories!  I remember picking out my iron-on and my Mom would, obviously, iron it on.  Now I could show off my cool new shirt to everyone at school.  Those were the days, but now they are back.  However, these are so much better than the old ones.  These iron-on’s from Noktillu are beautifully made and they actually stay on!  Oh, and did I mention, they are reflective?  They work great on work-out clothing or anything you use jogging/running.  Cars will see you from a mile away!

Noktillu Reflective Iron-On's - A Creative Way To Stay Safe

I love anything that gives you enjoyment and actually does something important.  These reflective iron-on’s do just that.  You can choose from the many different designs on their website.  They come in different sizes on the sheet so that you can customize your clothing the way you want to.  I received the beautiful snowflakes and star flowers and I can’t wait to put them on my clothing.  I am going to put some of the snowflakes on my winter hat because I think that will be so pretty, plus it will keep me safe.  If you have a runner, jogger, or anyone that wears clothing (haha) on your Christmas list, these will make some great last minute gifts.

Noktillu has a large variety to choose from (as I said earlier), for example, flower petals, paw prints (so cute!), hearts, dots, and even guitar picks!  There are way too many to mention here so if you’re interested, you should definitely check out their website.  They have designs for kids, women, and men.  By the way, Noktillu comes from nocturnal + illuminate.  The illumination comes from 3M Scotchlite Reflective Material, which keeps you completely safe while living your life.

As I looked through the designs for children I thought about my granddaughter.  She loves paw prints, so I have found another gift for her.  We can use these on her winter scarf and hat to personalize them specifically for her.  Come alive and shine at night (a quote from the owner)!

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