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Maintaining Cybersecurity At Home And Work

As technology has advanced, so have the tactics of cyberattackers.

Malware, viruses, Trojans and ransomware have become more sophisticated and prevalent.

However, companies have also stepped up their strategies with innovations of their own that both help to prevent cyberattacks and help victims recover from them.

Maintaining Cybersecurity at Home and Work

By implementing smart cybersecurity strategies and employing first-class cybersecurity protection, both consumers and commercial users can reduce their risks of becoming a victim of cybercrime.

Cyberattacks Defined

There are two main types of cyberattacks: unauthorized data access and denial of service attacks. Both types of cyberattacks can cause extensive damage to a victim’s computer or mobile device, along with possible financial loss and legal problems.

Viruses, spyware, malware, keyloggers and Trojans all represent unauthorized access to data.

Many victims of viruses, malware and other unauthorized data access remain unaware that their data has been breached until they received notification from third party sources, such as bills for merchandise they did not purchase or notification that their email addresses have been compromised.

By contrast, denial of service attacks make themselves known immediately when the victim is locked out of an account or receives a ransomware threat.

Cybersecurity Basics

Comprehensive cybersecurity protection is best left to professionals. Shopping around can make this important coverage more affordable. For instance, discounts on LifeLock protection significantly reduces the cost of 24/7 protection.

Additionally, there are basic cybersecurity strategies that consumers and small-business owners can adopt to protect their sensitive personal and financial data.

One of the most basic cybersecurity strategies is maintaining current operating system and program software on both computers and mobile devices.

Installing and using virtual private network (VPN) software provides a measure of protection against unauthorized access when using public Wi-Fi networks.

Using strong, unique passwords for every account makes unauthorized access difficult for cyberattackers.

A password manager stores passwords securely.

Likewise, requiring two-factor authentication is another smart cybersecurity strategy, so that even if a password has been compromised, a cyberattacker cannot gain access to a potential victim’s data.

Security experts advise against paying ransomware demands. Maintaining backups of vital data in an offline location or in the cloud is the best way to thwart ransomware attacks.

With a secure backup, victims need only disconnect affected computers, subject them to a low-level reformat and reinstall the operating system and data on the machine after it has been cleaned.

Maintaining Cybersecurity for Small-Business Owners

Small-business owners face special challenges in maintaining cybersecurity.

Employee turnover, along with access by temporary workers, contractors and customers or clients represents multiple sources of potential data breaches.

Companies should have established security protocols in place along with strict adherence requirements for workers.

This threat of cybersecurity threats becomes even greater when workers or contractors are allowed to access company data on personal computers or mobile devices in a “bring your own device” environment.

Companies should establish minimal hardware requirements for private computers and mobile devices.

Keeping Data Secure at Home and Work

While it’s not possible to completely avoid cybersecurity attacks, employing smart cybersecurity basics such as maintaining current software, using strong passwords with password managers along with two-factor authentication makes it tougher for cybercriminals to attack.

VPN software makes using public Wi-Fi networks less risky, while maintaining backups reduces the risk of being victimized by ransomware.

Small-business owners can protect their data by establishing strict security standards, including minimum hardware requirements for workers using private computers and mobile devices.

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