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Love is in the Air – 6 Gifts Your Partner Will Love This Valentine’s Day

Love is in the Air - 6 Gifts Your Partner Will Love This Valentine's Day

Photo by Mira Bozhko on Unsplash

It feels like not that long ago that men were braving the stores on Christmas Eve, desperately searching for the “perfect” gift for their significant other. Brave soldiers walked out holding vacuum cleaners, while others – quite obviously better-trained – stuck to the more traditional jewelry and chocolate options. If you haven’t yet recovered from the tirade as your wife unwrapped her brand-new vacuum cleaner, never fear! Your chance to make amends is just around the corner. Here are six gift ideas that will get you out of the dog house Valentine’s Day.

Cookware Sets

It might seem like cookware sets are up there with vacuum cleaners, but you couldn’t be more wrong. Your wife is tired of using her mother-in-law’s old pots and pans, and she wants nothing more than to deck out her kitchen with sparkling new cookware that hasn’t cooked anyone else’s roast dinner. Options are abundant, and you can choose from sets that are both practical and beautiful so that her new cookware can also make the kitchen look spectacular.


Nothing says “I love you” on Valentine’s Day, quite like a new bracelet, necklace, or ring. In fact, jewelry makes up 20 percent of all Valentine’s Day sales in the United States, which means whatever you buy, it’s bound to be appreciated. If you’re not sure what she likes, pay attention to what she wears now. Take note of the cut, the metal, and the style, and ask a store attendant for help if you need it.


Let’s face it; women can be challenging to shower with gifts. You might believe you’ve found the perfect handbag or shoes to suit their tastes in the past, but scratched your head as it languished in the recesses of the wardrobe for months afterward. Sometimes it’s less complicated and more appreciated to give them a voucher so that she choose something she loves. Add a sweet handwritten card, and you’ve got yourself a winning formula.

Flowers and Chocolate

It’s an old classic, but it’s a winner, and sure to be appreciated. Chocolates and flowers are a favorite combination for many reasons: firstly, you can have them delivered to her workplace for ultimate effect. Secondly, you can pick them up at the last minute on your way home if you forgot to buy something in advance! Around $19.7 billion was spent on gifts for Valentine’s Day last year, so make sure that bunch of flowers you get is exquisite!

An Experience

If your significant other prefers adventures to material possessions, there’s nothing better than an experience gift rather than a bunch of flowers. Why not book a trip for two to a flashy resort or a weekend getaway with fine dining? The sky’s the limit, but make sure to book in advance where possible to avoid missing out, as many establishments experience record attendance to restaurants, accommodation, and movie theaters on the Day of Love.

A pet

If adopting a dog or cat is on your bucket list, Valentine’s Day is an excellent opportunity to do so. Nothing will put heart shapes in her eyes as quickly as a snuggly new pet! Just remember, pets are forever. Choose one with care, and be prepared for all the costs and practical requirements associated with pet ownership.

Valentine’s Day is about celebrating love. A gift, an experience, or an action can express it in the best way possible. There’s not long to go, so put thought into what to buy your loved one, and avoid the frantic last-minute rush!

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