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Listen To Yourself: Why Is It Important To Take Care Of Mental Health?

It is not customary to talk about this topic openly, and yet it is important to understand that the state of mind is as important as the physical one.

How often have you thought about your mental state of health?

This question is expected to put many in frustration, and will cause someone to smile: it is not customary to talk openly about mental health.

And yet, the state of mind is as important as the physical one.

Why is it possible and necessary to talk about it, what problems can arise and what should be done?

Mental health – what are we talking about?

This is not necessarily a story about the dangerous mentally ill, who pounce on passers-by with a knife.

Or the anecdote about Napoleon’s incapacitated ward number six.

Listen To Yourself: Why Is It Important To Take Care Of Mental Health?

The problems that may arise in the field of mental health are as diverse as physical ailments: a person may experience disorders that will not affect his life so dramatically that he will have to be isolated from society.

Disorders can have a big impact on everyday life.

However, they can have a great impact on his daily life: increased anxiety, sleep problems, depression and other symptoms that prevent us from functioning properly, but which we so often tend to ignore.

Such a person becomes a hostage of his own thoughts, they may be different, depending on the diagnosis.

Very often, there is a direct connection between the psyche and the physical condition of the person: trauma leads to depression, the disorder deprives sleep.

Let’s understand what makes the conversation about mental health especially serious.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every fourth to fifth inhabitant of the planet suffers from some kind of mental disorder, and every second person can buy it during his life, so it is simply unwise to close the topic.

However, many do not take mental health seriously.

WHO states that the most common disorder is depression.

Mass culture has turned the word “depression” into a synonym for “moping”, but in fact, this condition is more than just seasonal sadness, and becomes another obstacle to a healthy and fulfilling life.

People are afraid or shy to ask for help, they do not want to share their feelings with their loved ones.

Listen To Yourself: Why Is It Important To Take Care Of Mental Health?

What if they turn their back?

Or they will say that all your problems are stupid, from idleness, from satiety: “Look how others live, people have their lives over there, but you are doing well, focus, smile and ask them all!

But it is not that simple. Mental disorders are the same disease as any other.

Mental disorders are treatable, and it is complex: there are drugs, therapy, physical activity, and much more like

It is important to understand that a person “falls” into depression.

This happens due to circumstances, no one will consciously plunge into such a state, so in no case you should not blame him or her, indicate weakness of character.

First, it is not so, and secondly, it can only make the situation worse.

By the way, even the most successful, rich, beautiful suffer from mental disorders.

Many celebrities talk about it openly, in order to show by example: you don’t need to be afraid and shy about what is happening to you, on the contrary, you need to talk about your condition and to practice therapy.

How do you understand that something is wrong?

Often, it is quite difficult to notice the problem: not always a bad mood is a symptom of depression.

It is often difficult to notice the problem: not always a bad mood is a symptom of depression.

There are a number of general symptoms to pay attention to.

According to WHO, signs of disorders include disorders of thought, mood or behavior that go beyond existing cultural beliefs and norms, and are divided into five types:

  • physical (for example, pain, sleep disturbance);
  • emotional (such as feelings of sadness, fear, anxiety);
  • cognitive (e.g., difficulties in clear thinking, pathological beliefs, memory disturbances);
  • behavioral symptoms (for example, aggressive behavior, inability to perform daily functions, substance abuse);
  • perceptual symptoms (e.g., the patient seems to see or hear something that other people do not see or hear).

If these symptoms are persistent and interfere with normal life, you should seek help from a doctor.

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