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How To Keep Your Potted Plants Safe During Winter

How To Keep Your Potted Plants Safe During Winter

Those that are avid gardeners understand how difficult it is to grow plants inside containers. This is even more correct during winter since extra effort is needed to make sure the plants are safe. Various challenges are going to appear for the potted plants, like wind, drying out, root damage and sudden temperature drops. Even if you have hardy plants that are properly acclimated, damage can appear during winter. A plant’s top part can be dormant while roots do not enter that state. Every single container plant has roots exposed to the temperature of the ambient.

Fortunately, there are always different things that you can do in order to protect your plant’s roots during winter. Besides being careful about what water options to choose with the help of professionals like, you should also remember the following.

Use Bigger Pots

Expert gardeners agree with the fact that if the pot is larger, it is more beneficial for what is in it. This is due to a really simple reason. As soil volume is increased, there is better insulation for plant roots. Small containers do not do the best job at protecting roots from the cold temperatures. Also, the smaller containers are going to dry out the roots faster and freeze quicker when compared to the larger ones. Always go for a pot that is a minimum of one-inch thickness.

Early Planting

Always plant flowers in pots and containers as soon as you can since this allows them to properly harden off. As winter comes, the plant is healthy and as mature as it should be to properly tolerate the stress associated with winter. Do not plant during late autumns since this does not offer all the time that is needed for the plants to properly harden off. As a trick that gardeners often use, pick those plants that can withstand hardiness that is 2 zones cooler from the region where you plant.

Proper Plant Location

You need to be sure that you find a proper pot location since this does matter a lot more than what you might initially think. Pots should be ideally placed on the property’s north side, where more shade is present. The areas that are normally dealing with a lot of sun can easily be faced with higher temperature swings. These need to be completely avoided. At the same time, you need to think about interest. The plants you want should be put in areas that will become attractive as they will be seen. A really good idea is to place the plants in areas close to the front door or window for an easy exposure.

Final Thoughts

With the tips and tricks that were mentioned above, you can definitely take care of your potted plants during winter. They will be protected but you need to be careful about some extra things you need to remember with the plan that you want to have in the pot. Some do require extra care. Start with those that are simpler to take care of.

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