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How To Keep Your Eyes Healthy At Any Age

They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. But how many times a day do we consider keeping them healthy enough?

After all, there is a good reason the skull bone protects the eyes all around them because it is possibly the most delicate organ of the body.

Doctors have long tried to find alternatives for replacing a damaged eye, but unfortunately, they have been unsuccessful thus far.

While you can opt for an ‘eye transplant’ wherein you’ll be receiving a donated cornea, eyes are still considered irreplaceable.

And so, it is up to each person to take good care of the pair of eyes they have. 

Luckily, there are a few things you can do to help preserve the health of your eyes.

If these aren’t part of your routine yet, it might be time to start, no matter what your age:

How To Keep Your Eyes Healthy At Any Age
Picture of adult woman having a visit at female doctor’s office

1. Have The Eyes Examined Regularly

Scheduling an eye exam should be as regular as going to the doctor for a checkup. Ideally, it would be best to see an optometrist and have your eyes checked at least every six months to a year to see if there are any problems.

During eye exams, your doctor could spot possible eye infection symptoms before they cause more severe issues or lead to blindness.

When scheduling an appointment, consider making one for the whole family and go to them together.

Doing this can help establish a routine of caring for one’s eye health, especially for the young members of the family.

This can also set an excellent example for the children who will remember to do the same for their families one day.

2. Include More Healthy Diet Options

Eye health is closely related to our overall body health, and many doctors recommend eating a well-balanced diet.

While all nutrients and vitamins are essential to remaining healthy, vegetables that have an orange, yellow, or deep green color are most important for the eyes.

These vegetables contain large quantities of vitamin A, Zinc, and other essentials for maintaining eyesight.

Along with these veggies, add some fish like salmon for its Omega 3 fatty acids, which also contribute to good eye health.

3. Remain Fit And Have A Healthy Weight

Regular exercise generally helps keep the body and its systems in good condition, including the eyes.

People that are overweight or obese have higher risks for diseases and conditions that can affect their overall well-being.

More so, a sedentary lifestyle could lead to the person developing diabetes, which may cause diabetic retinopathy or glaucoma in the eyes. Having a large amount of sugar present in one’s bloodstream can cause blurred vision and other eye and vision problems.

4. Invest In High-Quality Sunglasses

Sunglasses are more than just a fancy accessory that can make a person look cool and stylish. Its primary function would be to protect the eyes from harmful sunlight.

Of course, we all need a bit of sun to keep happy and well, but the light from the sun could cause irreversible damage to the eyes.

Too much exposure to high-level sun rays may cause or contribute to macular degeneration and the formation of cataracts if the eyes are not protected effectively.

And for that reason, it’s recommended to choose sunglasses that can block out UV-A and UV-B radiation up to 100% for the best results.

5. Protect Your Eyes When Needed

Accidents can happen quickly, and the best way to prevent them would be to wear protective eye gear when working with heavy machinery, welders, or tools, or during some contact and non-contact sports.

6. Avoid Smoking To Prevent Nerve Aging

Many professionals broadcast the effects of smoking on a person’s health far and wide. But many fail to mention how the eyes suffer as a result.

Smoking not only ages the skin, but it can also prematurely age the optic nerves that supply input to the brain.

Optic nerve damage is irreversible and often goes hand in hand with other problems like macular degeneration and cataracts also caused by smoking.

7. Look Into Family History

Some families may have a history of illnesses that affect their eyes or eye conditions like glaucoma that one generation can pass on to the next.

The best way to prevent these would be to go for regular checkups and follow the advice and medical prescriptions of your optometrist.

How To Keep Your Eyes Healthy At Any Age
close up of beauty woman pointing her eye

8. Wear Contact Lenses Responsibly

Contact lenses can be great for people that prefer to wear them instead of glasses, but note that they can be harmful to the eyes if not used properly.

They should be removed before bedtime and put into a particular cleaning solution to ensure they don’t cause eye infections and irritations.

9. Rest The Eyes Often Between Tasks

Your eyes could get tired too after working on task after task. You can also be prone to eye strain after working your eyes for long hours.

This is especially true for people who constantly have to look at computer screens most of the time, as the light emitted from the screens of our devices isn’t good for eye health.

And so, give your eyes their much-needed rest by taking a break in between tasks.

Consider following the 20-20-20 rule; this means that every 20 minutes of working, rest your eyes for 20 seconds by looking at something that’s 20 feet away from you.

In addition, since looking at screens for prolonged hours seems to be unavoidable due to the nature of some work and school activities, adjust the brightness level of your computer screens or gadgets to make them more comfortable for your eyes to look at.

10. Use Eye Drops And Medications As Directed

While eye drops are available over the counter at some pharmacies, this doesn’t mean they are safe to use and that you can use them as you wish.

Just like any other medication, heed the precautions on the packaging and use them as directed only to prevent any damage to the eyes.

It’d be worth noting, too, that it’s always recommended to check with your doctor first before using any new medication or eye drops to avoid possible eye complications or irritations.

11. Consult A Specialist For Any Concerns

When looking in the mirror in the morning or during the day, take note of a few things that may indicate an eye exam is necessary.

The whites of the eye, the skin of the eyelids, and around the eyes could have discolorations or seem inflamed.

Note any abnormalities and if there are any concerns, consult with an eye specialist immediately. 

Wrapping Up

Much like your physical health, your eye health is also as important.

Considering how critical the role our eyes play in our everyday lives, it’s only essential that we take care of them.

And hopefully, with the tips and insights listed above, you’ll be on your way to caring for them and ensuring your eyes’ overall health and wellness.

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