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How Long Do Central AC Units Last

One of the most popular methods to stay cool during the summer is to use an air conditioner. When the temperature rises, the humidity in the air also increases, which makes you feel uncomfortable. This usually happens when the humidity is higher than 60%. Fortunately, an air conditioner can lower humidity and make your indoor air bearable. Plus, it has many other benefits including the fact that it decreases the risk of dehydration and it reduces asthma symptoms. 

How Long Do Central AC Units Last

According to the US Energy Information Administration’s statistics in 2015, 87% of households in the USA have air-conditioning equipment!

A good air conditioning system can be expensive but the fact that it is a long-term investment makes it worth the money. But how long does it last? And what can be done to extend its durability? These are common questions that most buyers ask themselves and here are the answers of the experts. 

The Average Lifespan of an Air Conditioning System

     The Energy Saver (USA Department of Energy) which mission is to help consumers save energy and learn how to use renewable energy technologies state that the lifespan of a central air conditioner varies between 15 and 20 years

For reducing energy costs, you may want to consider renewing the central AC every 10 years with a model that uses less energy!

     When referring to a window air conditioner specialists say it can last for about 10 – 15 years but if it’s well-maintained you can use it for more years. Guidelines regarding window AC maintenance are detailed by Optima Institute that provides a thorough buying guide as well so that you are provided the needed ‘intel’ to pick an air conditioner that can service you properly for years to come. Regardless of the type of air conditioner system you use, one thing is for sure: its performance can be affected by many factors that should be carefully considered if you want to enjoy it for a longer period of time. 

Mistakes That Shorten the Life of an AC

  1.   Running the AC at a Lower Temperature

When the air becomes very hot, you want to get the indoor temperature down very fast. However, this will only overwork you AC. Not to mention the fact that the power consumption will increase. 

Solution: raise the thermostat 2 or 3 degrees to put less strain on the air conditioner. 

  1.   Running It Without Breaks

Every AC unit needs regular breaks, otherwise it may get damaged sooner than you expect. It can’t run 24/7 during the hot season.     

Solution: you can set the thermostat at a higher temperature and/or program the air conditioner to automatically turn off after a certain period of time. 

  1.   Skipping Filter Cleaning

Most people neglect cleaning the AC, so dirt easily builds up affecting its performance. Dirty filters can also affect your health by polluting the indoor air. The result? Headaches, asthma problems, seasonal allergies, etc. 

Solution: clean and replace the air filter as recommended by the manufacturer. Usually, the filter needs to be cleaned every month during the summer.

  1.   Skipping Annual Maintenance

The statistics show that only 42% of AC owners ask the help of professionals for performing preventive maintenance. Neglecting this aspect can lead to expensive repairs in the near future.

Solution: call a professional AC technician and make an appointment to perform the routine maintenance, no matter if your AC is only 2 or 3 years old. Prevention will help extend the life of your AC unit. 

  1.   Performing Repairs by Yourself

In order to prevent paying a professional for fixing the air conditioner, most people prefer to fix them personally. This thing can not only damage the unit, but it can also void the warranty. 

Solution: regardless of the level of complexity, always call an AC technician to solve the problem. It’s better to fix it properly from the beginning.

  1.   Installing It by Yourself

Again, this is a common mistake that should be avoided. Even if you are a DIYer, installing an AC by yourself can be tricky. You can damage the AC and void the warranty. 

Nonetheless, if you like to take matters into your own hands, there is the option to go for a dual hose air conditioner system that doesn’t actually require an intricate setup. Just find the right placement for it so that it can exhaust properly and you even have the possibility to move it from room to room as needed. As opposed to single hose AC units, dual hose models are more efficient when it comes to space cooling, and as the direct comparison provided by Popular.Reviews shows, there are plentiful other aspects where dual is superior, including longevity, efficiency, and a general superiority when it comes to functions and configuration.

Solution: always let professionals perform the installation. It is not as simple as you may think. 

Signs That the AC is Not Working as It Should Be

How Long Do Central AC Units Last

  1.   Increased Energy Bills

If you notice an increase in your electricity costs, the cause may be your AC. This usually happens when it’s overworked. Also, it may be affected by corrosion or rust or it’s a sign that a component has failed.    

  1.   Unusual Noise

In case the AC becomes noisier than usual it means that something is not working properly. There could be a lot of causes including the fan belt. 

  1.   Increased Humidity Levels

When they cool the house, AC units also extract water from the air, thus maintaining a proper humidity level. So, if moisture builds up around the windows or there’s evidence of mold growth, the humidity level in your house may be too high and it can affect your health. This can be a sign that your air conditioning is not working properly. 

Not taking proper care of your AC unit can drastically reduce its lifespan. Therefore, you should always consider the recommendations provided by the manufacturer to increase its lifespan. This will save you money and time.

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