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Heating And Air Fulton NY 101: Tips When Purchasing An Air Con

air conditioner

If you’re currently fixing up a new home you bought for your family or you’re renovating the house you currently live in, one of the things you may need or want to do is to purchase new air conditioners. Since doing so is a big investment, be sure you’re getting the best air con for your home needs by keeping some guidelines in mind to help you when you go shopping for an AC.

  1. Focus on Energy-Efficiency

In this age of energy-saving movements, we should all play our roles in helping save the environment by being mindful of our own energy consumption. For first-time users of air conditioners, it should be known that adding an air conditioner to your homes would mean a considerable addition to your electric bill. This means that having an energy-efficient AC unit would be beneficial when getting a new one. At first, it may seem like a big challenge to see which ones are more efficient without actually trying them, but it’s a good thing that AC units come with an energy-efficiency rating. There are different standards that are used depending on geographical location, but most manufacturers adhere to the standard ratings and by which you can compare all models side by side to see which ones are more efficient.

Due to the drive for better energy-efficiency, inverter models are also becoming more popular. The motors of these units only run at the speed that are required as decided by your AC unit and do not stop and start many times just like older units. Repeated stopping and starting at full speed of the motor is very inefficient and consumes a lot of energy. Inverter units solve this problem by only running at the required capacity at any point in time. These units may be a bit more expensive when purchased but will save you a large amount of money in electric bills in the long run.

  1. Be Sure about the Cooling Capacity

Another important aspect to consider that is often being overlooked is getting the proper size of AC unit. Many buyers get whatever is cheapest in the store, saying that they wouldn’t need a higher capacity. It is essential that you get the volume of the space being cooled first before buying. Getting a unit too small for your space may actually result in higher energy consumption, as the unit is always fighting to cool down the place. This will also result in premature wear and tear of the AC unit.

  1. Look at the Surrounding Environment and the Materials Used to Build Your Home

Just like with getting the right size of air-con for your room, you should also take into consideration the environment that your room is in, and what building materials were used to make the walls and ceiling. Obviously, the requirements would be different for tropical climates with high heat and humidity, while it would also differ for colder places. For warm places, it would also be important to check the insulation in the walls and ceiling. Sometimes, it would be wise to beef up the heat insulation to keep the outside temperature from heating up the air-conditioned space. This would help greatly in saving on power costs and prolonging the service life of the AC unit that you purchase.

  1. Don’t Be Fooled by all the High-Tech Gimmicks

Many new models offer a lot of high-tech innovations that may seem flashy and attractive, but would sometimes just add complications in using the unit. Many offer smartphone integration, automated timers and thermostats, and even interconnection with the home network. While these may be useful for those who live in smart homes, for most of you who just want to cool down your place, it is still best to get the basic models with a focus on energy-efficiency.

  1. Take Note of the Noise Levels

A common complaint about new AC owners is the level of noise, especially for window type models. Because the compressor motor is inside the same unit, the noise of the motor can be heard from inside the room and this may be an issue for some. Many models are now being released with silent drive motors that can be considerably quieter and are not as obtrusive. Likewise, for the bigger capacity models, split-type designs are offered, which have the compressors and condensers in a totally separate package outside the house. These are connected to the inside unit by pipes and wires. This may be a bit more difficult to install, but it will have almost no inside noise for the room occupants.

  1. Check the After-Sales Reviews and Warranty

Just like any appliance or gadget, part of the brand involves aftermarket service support and warranty. Research on the brands that you are looking at if they have good support, as you would want a reliable service provider for years to come to handle your maintenance and repairs. If you prefer to eventually hire your own aircon service provider, you may click here. Many brands also offer extended warranties both for parts and services, and you may want to look at these offers.

  1. Try to Haggle for Freebies and Discounts

Aside from good discounts in the store, some dealers offer free delivery and even free installations for window-type units. While it may be an easy task for some, there are many who do not have the skills and confidence to pull off a seemingly basic task. So be sure to ask your sales representative for extra offers that may be beneficial for you.


Ensure that your home is a cozy one by equipping it with the right air con that fulfills your family’s varied needs and the size of the rooms and areas in your house. Following the tips in this article will help you assess various air con brands and models, and guide you towards making the most efficient purchase.

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