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Gemstones That Help To Enhance Productivity And Concentration

We live in the internet era, which is filled with many distractions and access to these distractions is easier and easier.

People often get addicted to Social media and TV shows and lose their productivity and concentration.

You can watch the latest TV show, straight from your phone from everywhere.

You can check on your favourite celebs on social media from anywhere.

You must first know that having less productivity and concentration is not entirely your fault.

Gemstones That Help To Enhance Productivity And Concentration

Whether you are a sportsman, a data scientist, a student, or just any person, you know how important it is to have productivity and concentration in your life.

Gemstones can help to bring that concentration back to your life.

This article will tell you about 5 gemstones that help enhance productivity and concentration and the correct ways to activate them and squeeze every ounce of benefits they offer.

Make sure you read this article till the very end. With our list of gemstones, your productivity will surely increase.

How do Gemstones help to enhance our productivity and concentration?

Like any other form of Spiritual treatment, Gemstones also help to attract more and more energy, positive energy in your life.

Keeping gemstones on your desk or wearing them around as Gemstone Jewelry will attract positive energy and add to the beauty.

There are many different kinds of gemstones. There are astrological gemstones, which are to be worn by consulting an astrologer who will recommend different gemstones related to your stars’ positions.

There are Zodiac gemstones, which can be worn according to your Zodiac signs.

Now that we know how gemstones can improve our personality and lifestyle let us now proceed to our gemstones list.

5 Gemstones that help to enhance productivity and concentration

Here is a list of gemstones that will help you boost your productivity and concentration by offering their energy to you.


Fluorite is a mineral form of calcium fluoride, and in most of the forms, this helps to bend light and thus emit beautiful colours from it.

This stone’s ability to absorb light and emit beautiful colours is the cause for the origin of the term ‘Fluorescence”.

Fluorite is a powerful stone that offers healing and energy to its users. Fluorite helps to calm its users and therefore relieves their anxiety and stress and efficiently increases their productivity.

Anxiety is a thing that eats up all the productivity and working capacity out of a person.

To activate this crystal for its best use, all you need to do is hold the crystal in your right hand in a calm place and visualize the energy flowing through your body.

You have to visualize that it is calming you down, and the crystal will do its job. Fluorite goes well with gemstone jewelry too.

Gemstones That Help To Enhance Productivity And Concentration

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is the purest form of quartz, and so it has got excellent cleansing properties.

Greeks used to believe that this stone as gemstone jewelry in a form of super ice. 

These gemstones absorb positive energy from the environment and other crystals and give it to you whenever needed.

This is a compelling gem and will help you get the required amount of energy whenever needed.

To activate this gem, you must first cleanse and recharge the stone, then sit in a meditative position in a quiet place.

Once you are in that state, hold your Clear Quartz in your dominant hands and recite your goals and ambitions.

Tiger’s eye

Tiger’s eye is a beautiful gemstone with characteristics of a tiger.

These stones have a silky texture because of the presence of limonite in the stone.

They make for a beautiful gemstone jewelry as well.

This stone helps the user see the truth and empower them to deal with any situation.

This stone provides its users with the energy and strength to defy the odds and achieve peace and concentration.

Gemstones That Help To Enhance Productivity And Concentration

To activate the Tiger’s eye, you need to visit a quiet place and then ground yourself for a few moments.

Once you are in a state of mental peace and comfort, hold the stone with both hands in front of your forehead and ask it to provide you with strength and balance.


This beautiful blue coloured stone derives its name from the amazon river.

Like the river itself, this stone is known to create a beautiful flow of energy.

This stone gives you an immediate feeling of calm and peace. This stone provides you with feminine and masculine energy.

Amazonite gemstone helps to bring the right amount of balance to your body and health.

It also increases productivity and concentration tremendously. This is a gorgeous stone and can be worn around in gemstone jewelry.

To activate your Amazonite, all you need to do is make positive affirmations to the stone by holding it to your forehead.


This is the most widely used stone in gemstone jewelry. This stone has vivid blue colour with white veins, making it perfect for gemstone ornaments.

This stone helps find inner peace and the balance between heart and mind.

This stone is also called a poet’s stone since it helps its users find their inner voice. This helps users to improve their concentration since they can have mental peace and harmony.

To activate Sodalite, all you need to do is to meditate with the stone and let the energy flow through yourself very freely.

Now that we know the best gemstones to boost productivity and concentration let us know how and where to find authentic gemstones for sale online.

How to Buy gemstones online?

Well, buying gemstones online is an easy task. All you need to know are some basic things about the gems.

The first is the colour and characteristics of a particular gem. Before buying gemstones online, do care to find out about the correct characteristics.

The more transparent and clear the gem, the more expensive it gets, so if you are getting a clear gem at a low price, it can be a counterfeit.

You can also look for certifications from various labs in India.

Before buying gems, you better check if it is certified from any trusted labs such as GIA, GTL (Jaipur), GLL (Mumbai) and IGI. You can buy gemstones online on trusted sites like GemPundit and other similar portals.


Gemstones are very simple but effective. Gemstones can open a path to true spirituality.

To make gemstones work for you, you need to have faith in their power and energy.

Gemstones are also called birthstones, so wearing them according to your birth can prove beneficial to you. It brings positivity in abundance. 

This was all for our article. We hope this information was valuable for you, do share it with your friends and colleagues.

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Buy Gems

Monday 18th of January 2021

Nice Blog and good information shared here.

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