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Factors to Consider Before Installing an Internet Connection

Factors to Consider Before Installing an Internet Connection

Internet access is an essential utility in both homes and businesses; many people regard internet connections similarly to critical services like water supply and electricity. It is estimated that over 100 million households in the U.S. had an active internet connection by 2018. The fact is, the internet is a crucial part of the daily lives of many people, and more so for modern businesses. It lets you connect to the world in a remarkably smooth and convenient way through apps and browsers, which most people are so used to, that it no longer seems impressive.

But before you check your email, chat with friends on social media, or attend online meetings with your business associates, you first need an active internet connection. There are so many options when it comes to internet connectivity that many homeowners and entrepreneurs end up making the wrong choices. You always want to find the best internet service providers. Here are some of the crucial things you should consider before setting up your domestic or commercial internet connection.

The Type of Connection

There are several different types of internet connections available today. Some of them, like fiber optics, are fairly new, while others like dial-up connections are rather traditional – but they still work. The type of connectivity available mostly depends on the geographical location, which dictates certain factors such as coverage, interference, and even legislation. These are some of the main types of internet connectivity;

  • DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
  • Wireless
  • Satellite
  • Cellular/mobile
  • Cable (telephone lines/ cable TV lines)
  • Fiber Optics
  • Dial-up connections

Each connection type has its benefits and limitations. But your location might be what determines whether you put up a satellite for Internet connectivity or lay some cable instead. If you’re privileged to have choices, go for the connectivity type that’s highly praised for reliability and performance in your area.

Performance Specs

After exploring the types of connections available, you then need to compare the performance specs of different service packages and connections. Every ISP lists the bandwidth and speed of each link to indicate its performance.

The bandwidth describes the capacity of the network – the amount of data that can pass through the connection at any given time, expressed in bits per second (bps). The speed is the total number of data packets that can be exchanged over the connection within a specified period. The speed is split into upload and download speed and given in Megabits per second (Mbps). For both speed and bandwidth, the higher the numbers, the better the performance.

Find out the level of performance you need from your internet connection, depending on its use. If you just need to check your emails and chat with friends, a moderate connection is sufficient. However, businesses with heavy internet usage need a more capable connection.

The Cost

The cost of the connection is another important consideration. ISPs typically charge a monthly subscription fee for internet access that depends on the service package provided. Most ISPs charge a flat rate, while others price their services depending on the usage.

You also have to consider any additional costs associated with the internet connection, for instance, the installation cost and the cost of purchasing hardware and software tools such as access points and management applications (if any). Go for a service package that gives you the best value for your money and is at least close enough to your budget.


You’ll probably come across many internet service providers as you shop around for an internet connection. Choose the ISP that meets your internet demands and has favorable terms and prices. Also, make sure that that the ISP is credible and dependable. The last thing you want is having an internet connection that doesn’t deliver on performance 100% of the time.

You may want to do a little more digging when installing an internet connection at your business or home. Things can get a bit technical with the ISPs, and it helps to know exactly what you’re getting for your money.

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