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Essay: Marriage is Not a Social Trap but Sacred

Many millennium years ago, a man was formed, according to Genesis in the Bible, it is mentioned, “It is not good for man to be alone, no, nor a woman either.”  With these words, the population of humans begin to increase, virtually speaking, in every way, people of today are still bonded together.  Thus the word “marriage” is born.

Marriage as to put it simply means an alliance of two individuals being legally and formally recognized in a personal relationship.  Ideally put, marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman who are legally reunited to form a “family, ones  bringing” and this special occasion is marked by prom and gaiety with the presence of all ones bringingbest wishes and blessings from them.  This publicity marks the legitimacy, honor to the institution of marriage.  Virtually speaking in every way social scientists can confirm, married couples do much better than the unmarried or divorced, the couples live longer, healthier, happier with each other throughout their marriage journey.  After saying this, the debate of between married and unmarried will have lots to defer from here.

Before a marriage is consumed, it is normal for a couple to go through a dating relationship.  Dating is a stage of romantic bonding and relationship between a couple whereby two or more people meet up socially, as friends initially or with the aim of each other accessing the other’s suitability as a life partner.   Dating has no fixed term of assessment, it relies on the couple’s feeling for each other and when the time comes, they will reach a decision whether they want to walk the journey of marriage together with one another.  And when they do, the marriage is in line to step into the future and building lives.  There will be changes for both of you and these changes are not necessarily bad but the need is to be prepared for them as life goes on.  If two persons wants to spend their rest of their lives together and want to tied in a bond in front of the society, then the meaning of marriage is confirmed, a responsibility for one another as they walk through life ahead in good or bad.

Married couples are expected to adhere to different social norms than dating couples.  As the saying goes, dating is like a garden of roses and after marriage, both will feel the thorns.  Do not get discouraged in any way or another, marriage is originally designed to be “till death do us part.”  Marriage implies settling down, having babies and spending the rest of your life with your partner regardless of sickness or poverty, meaning to say, to stand by each other in good or bad.   Marriage also needs the couple to stay focused and not to get involved with any other person due to temptations like money, sex, physical beauty.   .

Marriage is good for mental health, is it true?  A study relates that married men and women are less depressed, less anxious compared to those single, divorced or widowed.  Both husbands and wives are more likely to have extremely satisfying sex life than others.  Does this mean that a piece of paper work work miracles in couples?  Well, surprisingly, this piece of paper which bond couples legally, does matter a great deal.  Increasingly, marriage allows both men and women to take on each other life’s tasks, married households have twice the talent, twice the time than any other singles, in other words, they have each other to shoulder life’s tasks and burdens than on their own.

Married couples are both responsible to one another, changing the way two people look at each other, it is a transformative act, leading one another to live more fruitful and satisfying lives.

A few realistic quotes from our today’s society.

“Love means never having to say you are sorry.”  How far is true?  No, it is definitely not right.  We humans do and say mean things at times without meaning it at that moment.  We are not perfect, we tend to hurt each other and our behaviors are misunderstood.  And when we realize our mistakes, do push our self ego one side and be humble to apologize sincerely.  And when we do, love means learning to acknowledge our mistakes, take responsibility, apologize and ask for forgiveness.

“Marriage is effortless”.  No way, marriage is not a journey of lifelong ups and downs, in fact it is contrary to this quote, marriage does require lots of effort, humility and responsibility.  Learn how to remain calm and work through the differences are the main priority for a couple to “work” on a relationship.  In other words, Love is a Verb, it takes effort and feelings to make it work.

“Never argue in a Marriage”.  We are humans, we have feelings.  It is not a perfect world and unrealistic to say that a couple would not disagree on issues.   Everything should be laid out on the table, a lack of communication and conflict can lead to a loveless marriage.

Sitting down, discussing, compromising, negotiating helps to erase all misunderstandings and in doing so, these are the healthy ways for a couple to feel more close and connected to one another.

On the other hand, the word marriage is so-called a social trap by many others in this world today.  While marriage is a sacred form of bonding, there are contradictions that marriage brings disasters to families and friends.  This is a very objective subject whereby we humans have our own thoughts and opinions in life.   There are many examples where marriage can become a social trap if they do NOT have the sense of understanding, faith, loyalty, trust, love and responsibility for one another.  Unhappiness will grow if they are not willing to make the journey work.  As long as there is a binding and bonding for each other with the big word LOVE, nothing else can stand in the way.

In summary, Marriage is designed to mirror our Creator’s unconditional love for us.  The Love that will always be there, never leaving nor forsaking us.  This Love is passed on to both man and woman, love one another and with this unconditional Love, contentment follows and joy abounds in our lives.

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