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Eight Of The Best Crowdfunding Rewards

When you’re trying to raise money through any kind of crowdfunding platform—Kickstarter, Crowdfunder, Indiegogo, for example—you need to offer rewards that people actually want to get them to spend their money.

It doesn’t matter if you’re raising money to start your own business or to fundraise for a charitable cause; the best rewards will get you the biggest donations.

So, what rewards can you offer? Here are eight of the best:

Cheap and Cheerful

It’s a good idea to offer rewards that cover a range of prices, including cheap and cheerful options.

Eight Of The Best Crowdfunding Rewards

Doing this will mean that people that only have a little money can still donate to your venture.

(1) Tote Bags

You can never have too many tote bags! They’re so useful and a great way to show your personality.

They’re also a fantastic crowdfunding reward.

They’re cheap to make, so you won’t have to put up a lot of money.

They’re also a way to get extra advertising—you could use your logo, but consider printing an eye-catching design to get people talking about the bag and asking about what you’re doing.

(2) Prints

If you’ve got a talent for art, you could also offer prints.

Making your own prints can be inexpensive, especially if you do it in bulk, and they also have the potential to get people talking about what you’re doing.

These can be sold at various prices if you offer different sizes, signed versions, and prints in frames.

If you’re not artistic yourself, why not reach out to a local artist to see if they’d donate a design?

It could be great exposure for them, too.

(3) Baked Goods

An easy way to thank backers is to reward them with sweet treats.

Make a batch of cookies in a shape that’s relevant to your idea to send out to your lowest donors.

Every donation counts and encouraging donors who can only afford the smallest amount is still a great way to earn some cash.

Premises-Based Rewards

If your business or venture has a brick-and-mortar premises, there are some great rewards you could offer potential backers.

(4) Laser-Engraved Bricks

People love having their name on stuff.

It’s just a fact. So, offering the option to have a brick with their name on it in your brand-new premises will be sure to get some good donations.

You can even have them arranged into beautiful brick designs to add a touch of class to your premises.

Eight Of The Best Crowdfunding Rewards

Premises Visits

Once you’ve got your business or other venture up and running, you could offer on-site visits to get people to donate.

If you’re opening a restaurant, offer (5) a meal for two in exchange for a donation.

If you’re setting up a brewery, provide small brewery (6) tours with a free sample or two.

You could even offer (7) overnight stays to encourage more generous donations.

Go Big or Go Home

If you’re looking to encourage large donations and you have some capital spare to encourage this, you could offer one or two extra-special rewards.

Throw (8) a bespoke party for up to 100 guests for the first donation of over $5000, with a couple of drinks tokens and canapés included.

The best way to encourage people to a crowdfunder is to offer rewards suited to a variety of budgets.

Get people interested in what you’re offering, and the money is sure to follow.

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