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Does CoolSculpting Work On Belly Fat?

Do you have stubborn belly fat? Coolsculpting may just be the solution you’ve been looking for.

Belly fat is one of the most common areas of concern for people who are looking to improve their appearance.

It’s stubborn, majorly changes your silhouette, and no matter how much diet or exercise you do, it just never seems to go away completely.

While it’s by no means the end of the world to have an extra 5, 10, or 20 pounds of excess belly fat, it can definitely drive you a little bit crazy and seriously impact your confidence when you’re trying to get your dream body.

To make matters worse, many people are told that there’s nothing they can do about it, and the only solution is to keep chugging away at the gym until something changes.

If you’ve struggled with stubborn belly fat, you may have tried looking for alternative solutions.

Among these, you’ve probably heard of CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure that claims to freeze away your fat cells.

But does it actually work for stubborn belly fat?

In short, the answer is yes. Keep reading to learn how and why it works.

Does CoolSculpting Work On Belly Fat?

What Is CoolSculpting?

Originally designed in the mid-2000s, CoolSculpting is a safe and FDA-approved method of body contouring that has steadily been gaining popularity within the last 10 years.

CoolSculpting works through a scientific process known as cryolipolysis, which is basically the destruction of fat cells through extreme cold temperatures.

During your CoolSculpting treatment, a certified professional will place an applicator on your desired treatment area for around 30 minutes to an hour.

The applicator will then deliver controlled cooling to the area, resulting in the freezing off and destruction of up to 25% of subcutaneous fat cells in the treated area.

The dead fat cells are then gradually expelled from the body through the liver and kidneys via the lymphatic system.

This allows CoolSculpting to create highly targeted, permanent results that can shape very specific areas of the body.

CoolSculpting can be used in many of the areas people commonly have problems with stubborn fat in, including:

  • Underarms
  • Upper arms
  • Back
  • Hips
  • Butt
  • Thighs
  • Chin
  • Belly

Why CoolSculpting Is a Great Option for Stubborn Belly Fat

While several other options promise similar results as CoolSculpting, such as liposuction or surgery, CoolSculpting is the best option for belly fat for a variety of reasons.

Here are a few aspects of CoolSculpting that make it stand out against other fat loss treatments.

It’s Non-Invasive

One of the best things about CoolSculpting is that it’s a non-invasive procedure. This means there are no needles, anesthesia, or surgery required.

This makes the procedure significantly easier, less intense, and less scary to the patient, and also introduces a slew of other perks.

Since CoolSculpting is non-invasive, there’s no need for recovery time or any sort of downtime afterward. You can literally walk in and out of your appointment and go about your day as a normal routine immediately afterward.

It also minimizes the chances of potential interactions or side effects. Unlike surgery or liposuction, which may cause scarring, infections, or unexpected results, CoolSculpting is gentle and works with your body’s natural processes.

CoolSculpting simply freezes your fat cells and allows your body to eliminate them through its natural systems of waste removal.

It Produces Natural-Looking Results

Another great thing about CoolSculpting is that it produces very natural-looking results.

This is because the procedure selectively targets and destroys fat cells while leaving your skin and other tissues unharmed.

The results of CoolSculpting also appear gradually over time, which allows your body to have a chance to adjust and establish equilibrium in the treated area.

The treatment also targets an even layer of fat in the treatment targeted area. This ensures there are no lumps or after-effects that may be expected from more aggressive, sudden treatments such as liposuction.

It’s Designed to Target Stubborn Fat

While diet and exercise can help to remove weight from the body in an overall sense, and liposuction is designed to remove large pockets of weight from specific areas, CoolSculpting is specifically designed to target small pockets of stubborn fat, which makes it an excellent choice for belly fat.

In fact, CoolSculpting works best when it’s used on small areas to remove 10 pounds or less, which makes it great for fat that’s resistant to diet and exercise in candidates who are normal or slightly overweight.

Most people concerned with excess belly fat fall within this category.

What To Expect From a CoolSculpting Treatment

CoolSculpting is a very simple, straightforward procedure with little to no discomfort that rarely takes more than an hour and a half.

After your initial consultation and examination to ensure you’re a good candidate for CoolSculpting, you will receive your actual treatment.

Depending on your situation and the results you want, you can generally expect to have anywhere from one to three treatments, although one is often enough for most patients.

During the treatment, a technician will mark the areas to be treated.

Then, they will place the CoolSculpting applicator on your skin, and suction will be used to gently pull your fat between two cooling panels.

You will initially feel a cold sensation for the first 5 to 10 minutes, but it will quickly be followed by a numbing sensation.

The treatment will take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes, during which time you can read, check your email, or just relax.

After you leave the facility, you can expect results to slowly start appearing over the next three weeks, with final results appearing within four to six months.

How To Maintain Your Results

CoolSculpting results are permanent, but only if you maintain the same weight you had when you got the procedure.

Continuing to follow an adequate diet and fitness plan are highly suggested if you want to ensure that your results stay permanently.

Get Started With Platinum Sculpt Today

If you want to use CoolSculpting to get rid of stubborn belly fat, or simply have more questions about how the procedure works, you should talk to a qualified professional today.

At Platinum Sculpt, we specialize in CoolSculpting and have a team of highly experienced experts who can guide you through the process and determine whether you’d be a good candidate and what to expect from your results.

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