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Could The Pandemic Change Our Sex Life For The Better?

The coronavirus pandemic changed almost everybody’s lives in so many ways.

Future travel plans, day-to-day activities, ideas, feelings, and relationships all became uncertain at once.

But how has COVID-19 affected sex?

Many people wonder about the impact the coronavirus pandemic has had on the sexual aspect of people’s lives.

Has it changed for the better due to a couple-months-long lockdown?

Or maybe the separation has decreased chances of meeting new people to hook up with?

Depending on people’s individual features such as age, relationship status, and personal libido, the answers will vary.

However, some common correlations and dependencies between the pandemic and sex life can be noticed in society holistically.

Condoms may soon run out of stock in various places worldwide, and according to some experts, many ladies may want to take maternity leave shortly after the pandemic is over.

Could The Pandemic Change Our Sex Life For The Better?

These are just some of the common speculations and observations.

Here is more on how the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak was one of the reason that has influenced people’s sexuality and sex life.

The Libido

The libido, aka the personal sex drive, has changed a lot since the pandemic.

During the times of global confusion and uncertainty, many people do not put sex as their priority.

They prefer to focus on their physical and mental health in some other ways, such as reading books, doing yoga, or spending time with the closest family. 

However, one specific group of people may be more sexually active than the rest during the pandemic – young couples.

More time spent at home with each other, cuddling, teasing, and flirting creates more sex opportunities.

Some experts say that there is a potential ‘baby boom’ coming next year.

The Sex Toys

The increased profits in the sex toys industry are not the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of the pandemic outbreak.

Yet, this is what has actually happened since the COVID-19 started.

Since the early months of 2020, there has been a visible boost in the online orders made for various sex toys.

Interestingly enough, the sales increase is noticeable in products dedicated to both single people and couples.

It seems that irrespective of the relationship status, all people feel a little bored and look for ways to spice things up.

Pocket pussies, cock rings, and vibrators have turned out to be wildly popular among buyers.

Some more creative people have even found the techniques of creating their own sex toys.

If you are interested in trying your manual skills, you can learn how to make one here.

The One-Night Stands

Fewer one-night stands a natural consequence of separating and locking down people.

Before the pandemic outbreak, meeting a potential partner for the night was a piece of cake.

People went to bars, clubs, and festivals to meet their hook up matches almost immediately.

Since the beginning of COVID-19, such places have been closed, and the events – canceled or postponed.

On top of that, most people are worried about the face to face contact with random strangers and have reduced it to the minimum.

Consequently, one night stands are no longer as common as they used to be back in 2019.


It seems like everything has switched to the remote and digital mode in 2020, including sexual and dating life.

The popularity of Tinder and other dating apps in 2019 is nothing when compared to 2020.

People are desperate to meet someone new, chat, and flirt with them.

Since the only possible way to do that during a pandemic is online, the digital world has become a place to share the naughty thoughts and needs.

Nude video calls, sex phone calls, and spicy messages are more common than ever now.

Portals such as PornHub have even come up with a special offer to their clients, giving a free one-month subscription to the premium content.

The campaign intended to make the people stay at home and slow down the virus’s spreading.


The COVID-19 outbreak has changed our everyday lives, from wearing masks to supermarkets to reduced opportunities for meeting hook-up partners.

The opinions on the pandemic’s influence on sex life vary depending on who you ask.

People in long-term relationships may say that the outcome was positive, as they got to spend more time with each other and have more sexual interactions.

Those who are single are not quite as optimistic.

The chances of meeting potential partners have been drastically reduced.

Most of the interactions, including the sexual ones, have been transferred to the digital world.

Interestingly, couples and single people equally have become more fascinated by the idea of using sex toys and have decided to try them out.

It seems that during the times of lockdown, where all adrenaline-driving activities are banned, people are looking for some alternative ways to spice their lives up.

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