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Can I Sue A School If My Kid Slips And Falls In The Bathroom

When you send your child off to school, you’re trusting the school enough to take care of them and provide a safe and healthy environment for those hours they’re away.

It’s hard for a lot of parents to take that step and allow others to take responsibility for the child’s safety.

To then have your child come home injured can feel like a betrayal of your trust.

It’s situations like this one that premises liability law was created for. School safety is essential.

If your child is hurt because of negligence or irresponsible decisions on the part of their teachers or school officials, then you need to be able to hold them accountable.

Can I Sue A School If My Kid Slips And Falls In The Bathroom

If your child is hurt, you might be able to sue the school and demand they address their mistake and compensate you for the costs of the injury.

Maybe your child fell on a wet floor in the bathroom, maybe they broke a bone during recess, or perhaps they were burned during an experiment in class.

Whatever the circumstances may be, you’ll need to speak to a slip and fall injury lawyer to get a professional evaluation of your case.

The legal system is complicated, and only someone with proper qualifications and experience can tell you for certain if your case is viable or not.

School Liability

When you enroll your child in a school and start sending them every day, the school takes on certain legal obligations regarding the care of your child.

They have a duty to make a reasonable effort to prevent harm.

A school, just like any other business or property, must be safe and well-maintained so as not to cause a danger to any occupants.

If you slip and fall on a wet floor, that wet floor might be an example of unsafe conditions that were not properly addressed.

Winning Your Case

In order for a school or administrator to be held responsible, it has to be established that they were negligent in fixing problems.

If water pours out on the floor and a student immediately slips and falls, the school has not had a chance to attend to those unsafe conditions.

When you sue another party in a premises liability case, the judge will have to decide who bears the fault for an accident.

Can I Sue A School If My Kid Slips And Falls In The Bathroom

It’s possible that a child could be at fault, not the school, if the judge decides that a reasonable child would have made safer choices.

If your child gets hurt while playing organized sports, there’s a chance that the school will avoid liability as well.

The court might decide that you accepted the risk of injury when you signed your child up for that particular activity.    

Professional Consultation

Personal injury law is complicated and frustrating. The most important thing to remember is that you don’t have to do it alone.

Don’t give up and get legal help from an experienced lawyer you can trust to guide you through the process.

Your attorney can help you consider your options and put together your case.

They’ll be able to stand by you and fight your claim when you start to feel stressed and overwhelmed. 

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