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Can Depression Lead To Alcoholism?

Can Depression Lead To Alcoholism?

Depression is often caused by psychological pain or trauma and when you are drunk, you may be temporarily relieved from your pain. That is why many people have fallen into the booby trap of taking alcohol for relief. Unfortunately, they only recover from intoxication to find their depression worse. This is because alcohol is a depressant.

You know how depression leads to alcoholism? When you are “high” or intoxicated, you will be temporarily relieved from the trauma of depression. So, many people suffering from depression would rather take some alcohol for the temporary relief. Unfortunately, when it wears off, depression often gets back, probably even worse. It can be so bad that they will go back to alcohol for another period of relief. Gradually, their system will get used to regular alcohol intake, marking the beginning of alcohol addiction. As a matter of fact, depression has led to alcoholism for many people. Using alcohol because of depression is like taking a step forward and 5 steps backward.

Symptoms of alcoholism

Many people suffering from alcoholism are usually not aware of it until they are neck-deep in it. So, it is important to know some common signs and symptoms of alcoholism so you can nip it in the bud at an early stage.

  • Someone suffering from alcohol addiction may suddenly become secretive and may always want to be on his or her own for no good reason.
  • He may become aggressive as alcoholism patients usually flare up at the slightest provocation.
  • Since alcohol is a depressant, depression, and anxiety are common symptoms of alcoholism.
  • Feeling tired and irritable.
  • Smelling of alcohol all the time.
  • Lack of interest in other activities apart from drinking.
  • Dwindling appetite.
  • Most of all, uncontrollable urge to take alcohol.

If you have been experiencing some of the symptoms listed above, you could be heading for alcoholism and the earlier you begin to seek treatments the better for you. Having listed out some common symptoms of alcoholism, it is also important to offer some tips on the treatment of alcoholism.

Tips on how to treat alcoholism

Consult an expert

Even if you admit that you are already addicted to alcohol, you may not be able to fight the addiction on your own because certain parts of your body may have undergone some chemical changes. Even if you make headway in stopping it, you may not be able to cope with the withdrawal syndrome.

So, it is better to involve an expert. You may join the Stop Drinking Expert community where you will have access to boot camps, free webinars, and online courses on how to quit drinking. Being able to stop is just one leg of the battle. Preventing a possible relapse is the other and more important leg. This is why consulting an expert will make a big difference.

Consider going for detoxification

Even if you have the will to stop alcohol, your body may not be able to handle it. You may need to detoxify your system to help your body adjust to lack of alcohol.

Sometimes it is better to start with a reduction of the quantity

It is very difficult to quit alcohol suddenly. It is a lot easier to reduce your daily quantity gradually. On that note, it is better to closely monitor the total amount of alcohol you consume on a daily basis. You can only reduce it if you know the total amount.

In conclusion, depression can lead to alcoholism and vice-versa. Taking alcohol will never cure depression. Rather, it will make it even worse. The most effective solution for alcoholism will come when you involve an expert.

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