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Best Dog Shampoos For Shredding

When you are a dog owner, you have many things with which to deal. One of them is seeing your beloved best friend shedding fur and hair.

It is obvious that you want to choose the best dog shampoo to cope with shedding, but which is the best?

A good place to start looking is to go to

It is natural for any dog to shed. Some shed a lot, some shed only a little but you can guarantee they all shed.

It’s because a dog’s coat has to keep renewing itself and carry on growing. This means that there is a build-up of dead and old hair.

This is what is shed to make way to the new hair. Some breeds are particularly notorious for shedding. Others shed a lot because they suffer certain skin conditions.

These things have to be considered when looking for the best dog shampoo for shedding.

As well as ensuring cleanliness, grooming is also a good way to bond with your dog. It helps them keep healthy, and feel loved.

Best Dog Shampoos For Shredding

But when a dog has particularly sensitive skin, choosing the best shampoo can be a tricky venture!

You don’t want to exacerbate itching, create any hot spots, or cause any other irritation. Fortunately, some brands offer gentle shampoos.

Reasons Why Dogs Shed Excessively

In the spring, the majority of dogs shed their winter coats to allow the growth of a lighter, shorter coat for the warmer summer months.

This is very common with double-coated breeds that have downy undercoats beneath harsher, protective overcoats.

Other causes of shedding include:

Allergies – If you find your dog is starting to shed more, ask yourself what might have changed. Have you switched diets? Are there adjustments in the dog’s routine? Is it taking a new medication?

Hormone Imbalances – Hypothyroidism can lead to a dog’s coat becoming drier and more brittle. This may boost shedding. Hormonal issues can be triggered by other imbalances like in testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone.

Stressing – Dogs like their routines and don’t take kindly to big changes. Any significant adjustments in their lives can lead to stress. Other causes of stress include unhealthy diets, familial conflicts, being neglected, and losing a family member.

Pregnancy – female dogs normally lose hair during pregnancy and periods of lactation. However, excessive hair loss is a warning sign that something untoward is occurring.

Skin Issues – There are skin conditions that trigger increased shedding and loss of hair. They include mite infestations, the onset of mange, ringworm, dermatitis, and fungal or bacterial skin infections.

These examples of skin issues can all affect the scale of a dog’s shedding.

Mineral Deficiencies – A well-balanced diet is key when it comes to healthy skin and coats in dogs. As well as plenty of healthy fat, a dog requires proper quantities of vitamins and minerals. If a dog’s diet is deficient, it can cause excessive shedding and loss of hair.

If you’re ever concerned your dog is shedding more than is usual, it is advisable to have a consultation with the vet.

He or she should be able to advise you if the level of shedding is to be expected or if there is a cause for concern.

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