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Amazing Facts – Why Ladies Should Smoke Cannabis

Amazing Facts - Why Ladies Should Smoke Cannabis

Many people think about marijuana as a prohibited drug. In reality, some countries even ban the use and purchase of this drug. There are instances were people who use it perish inside the jail. In some scenarios, some known users receive the endorsement for an extensive drug use rehabilitation. The idea of marijuana as a prohibited drug started when campaigns to stop the use of this drug circulates in society. The truth is, controlled use of Marijuana actually gives unending benefits.

There are lots of studies and researches conducted to scientifically prove the benefits of marijuana. But still, people are afraid to use it due to unacceptable punishments, even when you can buy them legally at a cannabis dispensary. Previous studies have already proved the benefits of using marijuana, especially for women.

Cannabis Decreases the Pain of PMS

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to any emotional swing and physically hurt a woman feels one week before her menstruation. Mayo Clinic claims that 75 percent of women are prone to PMS. There is no any proven reason why women usually get this unexplainable syndrome. However, almost all claims from medical practitioners claim that it is because of sudden and uncontrollable change of body hormones through the monthly cycle.

Pains such as cramps, backaches, mild depression, breast tenderness, cannabis for skin problems, headaches, bloating, and some angry outbursts happen in the course of PMS. Studies have proven marijuana has Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) as its main compound. The property of this compound decreases the pains of PMS. THC attacks the receptors of the brain and gives effect to the movement, memory, thinking, concentration, and sensory. With this, it is acceptable to buy marijuana and use it when feeling the symptoms of PMS. Before taking advantage of this scientific benefit of marijuana or weed cigarettes, consult your doctors.

Cannabis Makes Anxiety Seamless

Clinical experiments claim that women usually feel the negative effects of anxiety. This is because of the stress they take care on a daily basis. In reality, women tend to deal with more stress than men. There are seven kinds of anxiety; panic disorder, phobia, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, separation anxiety disorder, illness anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Each of this kind of anxiety can happen to women.

One of the properties of marijuana is to lessen the effects of anxiety. According to the 2013 study in Trends in Pharmacological Sciences and the study of Vanderbilt University, cannabis reduces the effects of stress, tension, and anxiety. This is because of the Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This compound goes to the amygdala and hit the receptors. With this, the user of marijuana feels alleviated. Once again, the use of Marijuana to deal with Anxiety is fine as long as prescribed by a health professional.

Cannabis Cures Insomnia

Insomnia is the difficulty to sleep or staying asleep. Symptoms like difficulty to fall asleep, sudden and unexpected waking up, too early to wake up, and feeling exhausted upon waking are the feeling of those people who have insomnia. One of the effects of using Marijuana is the drive it is giving to people who want to sleep. This is scientifically proven. There are testimonies from users who claim its effectivity.
Marijuana Makes Extreme Sex Drive

This might the most exciting benefit if marijuana, its extreme boost in physical sex. There are lots of people who sometimes feel unexcited when asked for sex. During arousal and orgasm, part of women’s brain tends to deactivate. This is because of too much anxiety and stress. This thing removes the excitement of some women to sex. Marijuana to alleviate stress and anxiety can make women feel excited about sex. This is one of the reasons why do people smoke weed.

Cannabis is Beneficial for Ovulation

There are women who face difficulty in ovulation. This thing gives an impression of infertility. Smoking weed everyday helps in making the ovulation period easier compared to the original process. According to research, the compounds found in cannabis tend to fasten the ripening of ovary. This is beneficial to those women who are afraid of infertility. Women often look for the best deals on cheap weed. Always keep in mind to seek guidance from health professionals.

Marijuana as Cure for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer usually happens to women. The are many possible causes of breast cancer– age, genetics, a history of breast cancer or breast lumps, dense breast tissue, estrogen exposure, and breastfeeding, body weight, alcohol consumption, radiation exposure, hormone treatments, and occupational hazards. These causes of cancer came out after several studies and experimentations of medical practitioners.

Several studies have proved the positive effect of marijuana to cure marijuana. Cannabis has cannabinoid that suppresses tumor cells. Moreover, several studies suggest the benefits of cannabis (cannabinoids and phytocannabinoids) in fighting the three kinds of breast cancer. The use of cannabis to cure cancer is real but should need proper recommendations from medical practitioners. Thus, if you ever wonder what does smoking do to your body, it is as easy as at least keeping you away from breast cancer.

Cannabis is Effective for Weight Loss

Many women are conscious of their figure. This is because of the social standards set in society. Many women wanted to feel like the most girl in town. There are many synthetic ways discovered for fast body slimming process but not all are effective. Scientifically, medical experts suggest using marijuana for quick weight loss. There is a lot of testimonies release that girls smoking weed has a better figure. This kind of finding is visible through the internet.

Cannabis in Helping with the Morning Sickness

Morning sickness usually happens to pregnant women. Nausea and vomiting occur unexpectedly on a daily basis. In reality, morning sickness is never harmful to a pregnant woman. Morning sickness is normal for pregnant women. This is unstoppable. Due to the properties of cannabis, it is a guarantee of helping pregnant women. Scientific experiments proved that using cannabis safe for pregnant women, with the guide of health professionals.

Cannabis for Better Chills

Last known benefits of cannabis are to give good chills and vibes to its users. It is very much needed by women for they are known to be more stressed. There are things to consider in smoking weeds, for instance, how to inhale weed, . This is the most basic among everything. If a user fails to do the proper steps then using cannabis, negative and unexpected effects might happen.

In a nutshell, people usually use marijuana for happy moments. It is for them to feel the happiness in life. But as always, there is always an exemption to the rule. Always practice moderation. On the last note, keep on knowing the healthiest way to smoke weed.

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