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A Story Of King David With Intrigue, Mysticism, And Darkness

When browsing the book market, it’s not very often I see historical fiction regarding biblical figures. However, there is a recent release, The Leper Messiah, that I found quite interesting. In The Leper Messiah, the author takes King David and delves into his life history and creates a fascinating story. Going back to the year 1979, the author, Rob Levinson, began imagining and contemplating the life and person of David when the author was a young 21 years of age. Since then, The Leper Messiah seems to have been a work in progress throughout the years of the author’s live until it was put into words and developed into this revealing, interesting, and somewhat mystical story.


This is not a religious book in the traditional sense. If you’ve read the Bible before, there are parts of this book that one may be familiar with (for example, David killing Goliath). However, the author wanted to provide a nontraditional and deeper view into David’s life. Mr. Levinson says, “It wasn’t the mighty King David I sought, but rather the outcast, the troubled one, the desperate David who filled me with wonder. Who was he as a young child? As a young man? How did his home life shape his character? The slingshot years were the ones I wanted to bring to life, not the overblown stories and clichés.”

Some Thoughts On The Story

I have often wondered about the actual lives of various figures from the Bible. How were such figures like us? Did they have a vulnerable side? When one hears the word “leper” (especially with reference to the biblical times), one thinks of those with the disease leprosy who were treated as outcasts. Why does Mr. Levenson attach that to David and juxtapose it with the more majestic word “messiah?”  Mr. Levinson put in 10 years of research to create The Leper Messiah. In his book, he shows us his perspective of David and, in a sense, brings David closer to us as a relatable character.

How To Get Your Copy Of The Book

The Leper Messiah is available through Amazon. You can purchase it in Kindle version for $3.99 and in hardcover ($15.99) and softcover ($8.99). Prices subject to change. And, if you enjoy The Leper Messiah, I read that a sequel will follow.

Connect with Rob Levinson: Website | Amazon | Facebook



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