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9 Ways for You to Help Save the Environment

At this point in time, it’s undeniable: climate change is real, and it’s incredibly harmful to most people.

Acknowledging this fact is easy, but actually doing something about it is much harder.

Many probably find themselves wondering something along the line of: but what can I do?

Luckily, there are answers to these questions.

While there are plenty of other resources available on the Internet, in books, and on TV attempting to answer this question, here’s a brief list of steps you can take — that are both practical and impactful. 

9 Ways for You to Help Save the Environment

1. Bike or Walk Instead of Drive 

Not only is it healthier for your body, but it also means one less car’s fuel contributing to city smog and, eventually, the ozone layer.

Sure, it’s a relatively minor action, but even just a few trips replaced with cycling will contribute a little. 

2. Invest in Reusable Cups and Straws

Instead of getting a plastic cup of coffee from your local coffee shop, why not bring a mug or glass with you for them?

Many coffee shops appreciate it, and will sometimes even give you a discount on your drink when you bring your own container. 

3. Replace Your Lawns 

They suck up water and are especially bad for the environment during drought seasons.

So why not replace your lawn with a home garden?

It’s relatively easy to construct garden boxes from old plywood and you might even be able to start growing your own herbs and veggies, cutting down on your grocery bill. 

4. Use Biodegradable To Go Containers 

This primarily applies to restaurants — biodegradable to go containers can cut down on the amount of plastic or even paper that takes its time to recycle. 

5. Buy Clothes Secondhand 

Fast fashion is one of the major contributing causes of pollution and ongoing poverty around the globe.

By buying secondhand, you can help stymy the effects of fast fashion by extending the lifespan of clothing.

And who knows? You might even find unique, one-of-a-kind pieces from vintage designers or off-beat brands. 

6. Shop Local and Seasonal 

Food that has to ship from around the global requires the waste of a lot of packaging and a lot of fuel.

If possible, try to buy fruits and veggies grown in your area.

Farmer’s markets are a great way to do this — you’re guaranteed that your food was grown recently and locally, probably within just a few hours’ drive of where you live.

You’ll also support local farmers and may even find a unique new veggie to try at home. 

7. Attend Local Activist Meetings 

There’s probably one, or more, in your area, depending on the size of your city.

They may be unabashed tree-huggers, but, like you, they’re probably just trying to save the world.

Group efforts are always more powerful than individual choices, so why not throw your hat in the ring and work together? 

8. Boycott Companies and Products 

This works best if you already have a group of others ready to boycott with you.

There’s plenty of public information on companies that reflect their environmental awareness when you do a little digging — make use of that and be intentional about where you put your money!

For many, there’s no need to support a wealthy, super-PAC-donating company when a smaller, local chain might be more conscientious of your political needs. 

9. Vote for Environmentally Conscious Politicians 

The easiest thing for you to do, voting should be a given in every democratic citizen’s change-making repertoire.

Find politicians that align with your values and will help you create the world you want to live in — they might not be perfect, but they’re out there, and it’s up to you to get them into office. 

Use these tips too, in Gandhi’s words, “be the change you wish to see in the world.” Best of luck!

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