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9 Things In Your Home You Are Cleaning All Wrong

Are you a weekend cleaner or do you like to clean throughout the week? Cleaning duties can seem endless if you let them pile up.

However, cleaning can be exhausting after a long day of work.

You likely have a specific routine or way of doing things whenever you clean your home. Did you know you can clean things incorrectly or even make things dirtier when you clean them?

Here are some things you can do to clean your home efficiently.

9 Things In Your Home You Are Cleaning All Wrong

1. Cutting Board

Most people clean their cutting boards with soap and water or throw them in the dishwasher. Cuts in the cutting board can trap tiny food particles and breed bacteria.

That bacteria can then transfer onto the next food you cut on your cutting board. A bleach solution can ensure your cutting boards are disinfected, sanitized and ready for your next meal.

Use one teaspoon of bleach for one gallon of water. Or, you can clean it with vinegar and water.

2. Washing Machine

Many washing machines have a self-clean option. However, this doesn’t always work for keeping your washer clean.

You can use a washing machine cleaner tablet and run a cycle with hot water. Or, you can use baking soda and vinegar solution, bleach or peroxide.

Baking soda and vinegar are a practical pair. As the washing machine fills with water, pour three to four cups of vinegar into the washer. After the washer agitates, stop the cycle to add a half cup of baking soda.

Allow the solution to soak for an hour before you complete the cycle.

3. Coffee Pot

Your coffee pot likely only holds coffee, so a good rinse should keep it relatively clean. This is one of the ways you’re likely cleaning incorrectly.

Cleaning your coffee pot with a vinegar and water mixture will keep it clean and your coffee tasting fresh.

Use one part vinegar to nine parts water to deep clean your coffee maker. Washing the coffee maker daily will prevent build-up and keep your coffee pot clean. A deep clean can help you skip those wash days, though.

4. Glass Doors and Windows

Spraying cleaning supplies on glass doors and windows can cause more trouble than it’s worth. Before cleaning the area, spray your window cleaner on a microfiber cloth or paper towel.

Sun shining through the windows can dry the window cleaner too fast, causing streaks.

Ensure windows and glass doors are cool before cleaning them to achieve a streak-free shine.

5. Garbage Disposal

Garbage disposals are easily forgotten during chore time. Regardless of how well your disposal works, food particles can get stuck.

Clean your garbage disposal regularly—about once a week— especially after a big meal, to ensure it remains clear and works efficiently.

You can use ice and salt, citrus, baking soda or garbage disposal cleaners to clean your disposal. Scrub the parts you can see with soap and a sponge before the deep cleaning.

6. Kitchen Oven

Many ovens have self-cleaning options. However, some self-cleaning features can do more damage than good. Self-clean features use extreme heat. Without proper ventilation, you can pop fuses or burn coils.

Cleaning your oven yourself is safer and can save you significantly on repairs. Letting it soak is your best option to save your elbow grease.

Spray the inside of the ven with your chosen cleaner and let it sit overnight before scrubbing it out.

7. Vacuum Cleaner

Cleaning your vacuum cleaner can seem daunting, but it’s necessary. Without proper cleaning, your vacuum will collect debris over time that can contaminate your home.

Dump the filter or dust canister before it’s half full. Clogging your vacuum cleaner can cause it to overheat and fail. You’ll want to clean your filter regularly and keep it empty.

Disassemble your vacuum cleaner and wipe down the interior parts to clean them.

9 Things In Your Home You Are Cleaning All Wrong

8. Cast Iron Skillets

These timeless skillets are excellent for cooking but can be confusing to clean. Don’t put them in the dishwasher or use soap or steel wool.

To wash cast iron skillets, scrub them before they cool down. The right scrub brush can make a significant difference.

Eliminate stubborn food particles by boiling water in the pan. Dry the skillet on the stove on low heat and apply a thin layer of vegetable oil to the inside of the pan.

9. Toilet Bowel

Cleaning the toilet is one of the most dreadful tasks. It’s best to get it over with as soon as possible.

However, once you’re done with the toilet bowl, try not to set the scrub brush directly back in its container.

Not allowing the toilet scrub brush to dry will trap bacteria and moisture inside. Then, you transfer that bacteria into the toilet the next time you clean.

Clean and disinfect your toilet brush before you use it and allow it to fully dry before placing it back in its container.

Cleaning Hacks for Your Home

Keeping a clean space can help elevate your home’s aesthetic and benefit your overall health. Avoid these cleaning mistakes by utilizing these tips to clean your house.

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