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8 Tips On Sprucing Up Your Yard No Expert Will Tell You

Most people know that keeping a well-manicured yard is essential to maintaining a good home image.

However, many people do not know how to go about sprucing up their yards without the help of an expert.

Simple maintenance like regularly mowing the lawn, trimming the hedges, and picking up leaves can go a long way in keeping your lawn looking new.

8 Tips On Sprucing Up Your Yard No Expert Will Tell You

So before you decide on paying a company to take care of your lawn, consider these eight DIY tips to spruce up your yard’s looks, and thank us later!

Mow with a Sharp Blade

Using a dull blade when mowing your lawn can damage the grass.

This is because a blunt blade will tear the grass rather than cut it cleanly, leaving your lawn looking ragged and unsightly.

If you want your lawn to look its best, be sure to use a sharp blade when mowing.

You should also change your blade regularly to ensure it stays sharp and in good condition.

Fertilize Your Lawn Properly

Many people mistake over-fertilizing or under-fertilizing their lawns, which can lead to problems like brown patches or an unhealthy lawn.

Follow the instructions on the fertilizer package and apply it at the recommended rate.

You should also avoid applying fertilizer during extreme heat or cold periods, as this can damage your lawn.

Water Your Lawn

Like fertilizing, too much or too little water can damage your lawn.

Be sure to water your lawn deeply and regularly, but do not allow the grass to become soggy.

Overwatering can lead to problems like fungus growth, while under-watering will cause the grass to turn brown and die.


Aerating your lawn helps to improve drainage and prevents compaction, damaging the roots of your grass.

You can aerate your lawn using a hand-held aerator or ask a family member to do it for you.

Get Rid of Thatch

Thatch is a layer of dead grass, roots, and other organic matter that can build up on your lawn over time.

If the thatch layer is more than half an inch thick, it can prevent water and nutrients from reaching your grassroots, damaging your lawn.

You can either rake it up by hand or use a power rake to get rid of thatch.


Overseeding is a great way to thicken up your lawn and fill in any bare patches.

You can buy seed mix specifically designed for overseeding at your local garden center.

Be sure to follow the instructions on the package when overseeding your lawn. You can also buy grass seed online

8 Tips On Sprucing Up Your Yard No Expert Will Tell You


Topdressing is a type of lawn care where you spread a thin layer of organic matter over the surface of your lawn.

This can help improve your lawn’s drainage and add nutrients to the soil.

You can buy the topdressing mix at your local garden center or make your own by mixing together compost and sand.

Use Mulch

Mulching your flower beds is a great way to improve the appearance of your yard and also helps to protect the plants.

Mulch provides a barrier between the soil and the air, which helps to keep moisture in and prevents weed growth.

You can buy mulch at your local garden center or make your own using leaves or grass clippings.

Final Word

By following these tips, you can spruce up your yard without the help of a professional.

Just remember to use sharp blades when mowing, fertilize properly, water regularly, and get rid of thatch to keep your lawn looking its best.

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