The college essay – it’s an opportunity to show schools who you really are and what makes you different from other students they’re considering.
Some students find a helpful way to find an essay writer at because they have more time when someone can help them out. Anyway, every student can craft an effective paper on their own.
It may seem like an impossible challenge especially if you’re not a good thesis writer, but by following these eight steps, you can easily write an A-worthy essay that will knock the socks off the admissions officers evaluating your application.

Step 1: Do Some Research
The first step in writing a great essay is doing some research.
There are so many good sources of information out there that will help you answer the question and provide lots of examples and evidence.
Make sure to take notes as you read through them, this will make it easier for you when it’s time to put together your essay.
If possible use quotes from books or journal articles. Once you have done some research on the topic, take some notes. Writing down everything important will save you time and energy later on in the process.
Step 2: Create An Outline
One of the easiest ways to create a great essay as a good essay writer is by outlining it first. The process can be as simple as writing down your main points and subpoints.
This will help you organize your thoughts and make sure you don’t forget any important points.
Outlining also ensures that your paper flows logically from one point to another.
You may want to write out each sentence on a notecard or in Microsoft Word, then arrange them into the order they should go in your essay.
Step 3: Hit The High Points
Now that you have a great idea for your master papers and have written the first draft, it’s time to put on your editing cap.
Read through the entire essay again and make sure that there are no typos or grammatical errors. One of the most important things that professors look at when grading essays is spelling and grammar.
That means you need to be careful not only with what you write but also with how you write it.
Step 4: Edit, Edit and then edit some more.
Edit your essay for grammar and spelling mistakes. If you are using a word processor with the spell checker built in, use it.
If you are not, find someone who is a good speller and get them to read over your essay before submitting it.
Also, be sure that your essay flows smoothly from one sentence to another. Your reader should never have to stop and wonder what you mean or where you’re going with this point.
Step 5: Proofread it with a fine tooth comb
You might feel like you’re done with your essay when you’ve finished writing it. But there’s more work that needs to be done before you get a passing grade.
Take some time and go back over what you’ve written.
Read it over out loud, then read it again on paper. The way something sounds when spoken is different from the way it looks in writing and errors are easier to spot this way.
Step 6: Get Feedback From People
Get feedback from people who are not your parents or friends.
They may be able to point out grammar errors that you didn’t notice or give you a fresh perspective on the content.
If you have a friend who is really good at writing essays, ask them for help!
Even if they aren’t very knowledgeable about the subject matter, they can offer valuable input on the organization and flow of your essay. Just as a free gift, Here is a Review of the Top 5 Academic Assistance Platforms.

Step 7: Final Check And Editing
It’s important to take the time for a final check and editing before submitting your essay.
The last thing you want is for your professor or reader to be distracted by typos and grammatical errors that should have been caught during your first round of proofreading.
So it’s best to go through your essay one more time with pen in hand before handing it in.
Step 8: Have someone Else Read
It If you’re not confident in your essay’s content or grammar, ask a friend or family member who is well-versed in the subject matter or English language to read it.
Their feedback will be invaluable and might lead you to tweak your work before submitting it.
When I asked my mother for her opinion on my first draft, she pointed out that I had incorrectly spelled “there” as “their.”
Having someone else look at your work can make all the difference between getting a B+ and an A.