Are you the type of person who loves a good Halloween prank? With Halloween right around the corner, you may be planning your next epic prank. Sometimes, however, harmless Halloween fun can go horribly wrong. Here are 6 times that Halloween pranks turned into epic fails.
1. Teen Eggs Local Electricity Power Station and Leaves Residents in The Dark

In Pennsylvania, a 15-year-old was egging his neighborhood when he decided to throw an egg over the fence of an electric company. Little did he know, the egg hit a transformer. As a result of the explosion, about 8,000 people lost power in their homes for a few minutes. The boy turned himself in and power was restored shortly after the incident.
2. Mom Takes Toilet Papering a House Too Far

In Texas, a mom took out some middle school students on Halloween to prank some houses. They didn’t just throw some toilet paper on a tree or two. They toilet-papered an entire house. The mom was arrested and charged with felony criminal mischief. She also was fined $1,900 in damages. The charges were later dropped.
3. Doctor Warns of Zombie Apocalypse

Dr. Steven Schlozman was interviewed on a late-night radio show a few years ago. In the interview, Schlozman was asked to use his expertise in zombie neuroscience to explain the nature of a new disease, Ataxic Neurodegenerative Satiety Deficiency Syndrome. Schlozman said that a doctor at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention had recently died of this disease while studying it. He even said that businessmen originated the disease with the end goal of causing a major stock market collapse. What he didn’t know was that he was going to start a panic. Viewers didn’t understand that his story was just a prank and nervously started calling in.
4. Scare Prank Gone Wrong

Jumping out of a trash can in a spooky outfit to scare someone is a classic Halloween prank. However, it often goes wrong, there are so many videos where the prankster ends up getting punched or waits for hours in the trash can to be discovered. One of the funniest was a little boy who tried to scare his dad, but the trash bags being thrown in the can were bigger than him!
5. Neighbor Can’t Take a Joke

Sometimes Halloween decorations take a prank too far. A woman in Florida filed a lawsuit after her neighbor made tombstones with offensive comments about her including, “At 48 she had no mate no date. There’s no debate she looked 88. She met her fate in a crate. Now we celebrate.” She won the defamation case.
6. Dummy Hanging From Roof Alarms Neighbors

A family in North Carolina hung a dummy from their gutters for Halloween. Apparently, the decoration was a little too convincing because a neighbor walking their dog called the fire department. By the time the family figured out what was happening, it was already too late. The fire department pulled up and they assured the dummy that help had arrived!
Rethink Your Halloween Pranks

Pranks are a hallmark of Halloween, but sometimes they become more of a fail. If you’re planning a prank this holiday, make sure it’s harmless! Then, there will be nothing but laughs and nothing will go terribly wrong.