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5 Eco Friendly Tips On Going Green This Summer

5 Eco Friendly Tips On Going Green This Summer

Going green is more than a trend these days. It is a way of life. People are quickly learning that caring for the environment is no longer a burden. You may actually save yourself money by seeking out ways to become more eco-friendly! The active summer months provide ample opportunity for everyone to do their part to preserve nature.

Here are five of the best tips to green up your lifestyle without giving up that green in your pocket this summer.

Turning Off Utilities

We don’t mean completely, of course. But the summer months are the best time to use nature for its comfort and maybe even go green with the family. You can take the lead foot off of the thermostat and use open windows and the ceiling fan. You can turn off the water as you wash in the shower because the surrounding environment isn’t freezing. You can cut back on the power you use watching TV and playing video games because there are camping and hiking to do!

Going Paperless

You may have run into the paperless initiative at your bank or grocery store. Retailers will often ask you if you want a receipt emailed to you rather than printing one out. Some these days may even charge you for any paper you make them print. However, going paperless is an individual initiative as well. Take it upon yourself to digitize your note taking, grocery lists, and other documentation. You will be saving the world and freeing yourself from pointless trips to the office supply store for paper and pens!

Green Transport

Driving energy efficient cars used to be a rich man’s game. Hybrid vehicles are now in the financial whe/elhouse of the middle class. They also look great. Most importantly, there is a viable infrastructure in place for anyone who wants to use one as more than a novelty. You will find that electric chargers are quite prevalent in big cities, and the gas mileage you get from hybrids is only going up. If you ever need to use the pump, you will save big time there as well.


This is an oldie but goodie! Sometimes the best solutions are the simple ones. You may create your fair share of trash this summer season. Make it a point to organize your waste into categories that can be easily separated by professionals. Call your city’s trash takeaway and see how many kinds of trash they can recycle. Match the segments to your home to theirs. The company may also provide you with different trash cans for different types of trash. You will never know unless you ask!

Summer Cleaning

Summer provides the best opportunity to open your home up and clean, so make sure that you go green during this process. A simple solution of water and vinegar makes a home cleaning product that keeps pace with most of the synthetic stuff you find at the grocery store, and you forego the harmful chemicals in those products. You can also create a bug spray that is eco-friendly. Water and soap do the job here. It kills the pests and removes their chemical trails as well.

Keep the tips above in mind to save money and go green at the same time. There is no better time to be eco-friendly than during the summer, and you now have the techniques to make it happen!

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