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5 Benefits Of Using Online Health Services

For many of us, the idea of telehealth services seemed futuristic and out of reach — until 2020 happened.

Now, online health services are becoming the norm and are expected to be around for the long haul.

Accessing medical appointments and prescriptions online is convenient for both practitioners and patients. 

5 Benefits Of Using Online Health Services

If you’ve been hesitant to make the shift to online health services, here are five compelling benefits to push you in the right direction.

Improves Accessibility

One of the biggest benefits of using online health services is improved accessibility.

Many able-bodied people with ample financial resources can sometimes overlook the basic health inequities ingrained into many healthcare systems.

While visiting the doctor or pharmacy is inconvenient for some, it’s a complete barrier for others. 

Consider, for example, senior citizens who can no longer drive or have an increased risk of injury or illness when exposed to a waiting room.

Another consideration is those with mobility limitations for whom transport is complicated.

For many, taking an afternoon off to go to the doctor means sacrificing groceries due to socioeconomic factors.

Being able to see a doctor online improves accessibility for those who would otherwise forgo appointments.

It’s not just for appointments either. Online services like Canada Pharmacy can deliver essential medications to remote areas and to people who can’t just pop over to the pharmacy for a refill each month.

While it’s not a solution for the health inequities in our world, it’s a step in the right direction.

Minimizes Wait Times

With wait times continuously on the rise, patients are becoming more frustrated with the state of healthcare than ever.

In some areas, it’s common to wait upwards of a month or more for an appointment with a GP.

This means going to an emergency room for urgent, non-emergent issues like ear or throat infections.

The increased traffic of non-emergent health issues in the emergency room creates longer wait times in this overtaxed clinical setting.

Meanwhile, if your child develops an ear infection overnight, you can typically see a doctor online within a few hours.

One of the downsides of virtual healthcare is that not all appointment types can be completed online.

However, the more patients who use this service whenever possible, the shorter the wait times for themselves and those who must see an in-person doctor.

Saves Money

Virtual healthcare both directly and indirectly saves money for patients and practitioners.

As a patient, you won’t have to take time off work, nor will you have to commute.

As wait times are shorter, you’re able to pivot back to your high-value tasks within minutes.

Accessing prescriptions online also means not heading to the pharmacy and waiting there. 

Furthermore, many online medical services are more affordable as fewer overhead costs allow practitioners to pass their savings on to you.

In this way, virtual medicine also corrects some of the health inequities in our system. 

5 Benefits Of Using Online Health Services

Broader Service Options

Online healthcare provides an opportunity for patients to access a broader range of services without worrying about geographic proximity.

Mental health services are a prime example of this benefit, as patients can now connect with a counselor or therapist outside of their community.

As finding the right fit for mental health services is integral, this feature often improves the quality of care received. 

Improved Treatment Options

With some medical conditions, timing is everything. Waiting too long to seek care can be a matter of life and death.

Virtual medicine helps streamline the time from diagnosis to treatment, which could dramatically change someone’s prognosis.

Circling back to health inequities, it’s important to understand that improving access to preventative screening is also a matter of significance.

Many people who struggle to get to the doctor skip vital pre-screening appointments, thus missing a diagnosis that could save their lives. 

Taking advantage of online health services will help you and others by improving access to care.

Consider these benefits the next time you book a doctor’s appointment or fill a prescription in-person.

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