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5 Benefits of Hemp Cream to the Skin

Hemp cream is often obtained from the hemp plant, specifically, the seeds which are cold-pressed to produce hemp oil. While it is often confused with CBD oils and creams, there are a few characteristics that set the two apart.

For instance, the prior usually has a few traces of THC(tetrahydrocannabinol) while hemp oil has no THC.

Hemp cream is rich in moisturizing benefits and nourishing vitamins that offer a long list of advantages to the skin. That said, here are a few hemp cream benefits on the skin.

5 Benefits of Hemp Cream to the Skin

Contains anti-inflammatory properties

Usually, the skin can fight inflammation and some of the symptoms associated with it such as itchiness and redness.

While skin inflammation is very common and is often caused by a variety of reasons, some conditions such as psoriasis and itchiness might require special attention.

This is where topical creams like the hemp cream come into play: they are used to help soothe these symptoms. It is rich in omega-6 fatty acids which are great for fighting inflammation.

Specifically, gamma-linolenic acid(GLA) is great for soothing inflamed skin thanks to its strong characteristics.

Great for different skin types

Another big concern for most people before applying oil or creams on their skin is if it will be good for them. With hemp cream, you don’t have to worry about whether it will be gentle to your skin.

From skin sensitivity to different skin types such as dry, oily, and combination skin, all these have different limitations.

While most creams and other topical products might not be suitable for all skin types at once, hemp cream can be used on all. So, regardless of your skin type, you can always use hemp cream and enjoy all the benefits it has to offer.

Could give you clear skin

Finding the right remedy for skin that has red bumps and acne can be challenging because of the level of sensitivity to different cream and oil contents.

Hemp cream is a good addition to your skincare routine if you have such a skin type that is also oily. In fact, it is not only gentle to the skin but also moisturizes it because of components such as amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and vitamin E.

These properties also help to prevent the loss of moisture from the skin, without clogging the pores. 

When you use hemp cream on your oily skin, it can help balance it while regulating oil production and increasing hydration. On the other hand, hemp cream helps to reduce acne on dry skin while preventing excess oil production.

Aids with skin oxygenation

One of the most crucial components of hemp cream is vitamin E which largely supports the production of red blood cells.

These often transport oxygen in different parts of the body, so an increased production is a huge advantage. In addition, they impact blood flow into the different organs of the body since they help to improve the dilation of blood vessels.

So when you apply hemp cream to your skin, it increases the vitamin E content boosting the amount of oxygenated blood in the body. In turn, oxygenated blood keeps the skin healthy because of the high content of nutrients it has.

A superb moisturizer

When you have hemp cream as part of your skincare routine, you don’t need to look for additional moisturizers as it plays the part well.

And while a lot of moisturizers are unable to balance out the oils without necessarily clogging pores, hemp cream does a perfect job.

Such that the skin does not become prone to inflammation or infections or suffer itchiness and flakiness because of the rejuvenation it gets.

It not only moisturizes dry skin, but also balances out oils on oily skin, so this also remains well-moisturized. For obvious reasons, too much skin oil causes clogging of pores that usually results in acne which leads to other skin-related problems.

And, adding oil to an already-oily skin does more harm than good. Hemp cream does not have high emollient levels which means that it effectively works for both dry and oily skin.

Final word

Hemp cream is, without a doubt, one of the best components for the nourishment of the skin regardless of the type. The best part is that it is safe to use for most people and comes with different benefits for the skin.

It is packed with omega-3 fatty acids which are amazing for the skin without causing negative side effects like clogged pores as with most cases with most topical creams and oils. 

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