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4 Reasons Why Gardening Is Great for Mental Health

Gardening is a great antidote for mental health issues; there’s no denying that. It helps you to de-stress, it gives you a purpose, it keeps you fit, and it allows you to vent your frustrations in a safe and healthy environment.

4 Reasons Why Gardening Is Great for Mental Health

Are you struggling to believe that gardening can really have such a positive impact on your mental health? If so, be sure to read on, your mind will no doubt be changed if you do.

Gardening is a form of color therapy

Color therapy is an ancient practice. There are many studies that have linked color with mental health. Color can improve mood and well-being. Each color creates a different mood. For example, the rich purple of Bloomerang Dark Purple Lilacs, can provide energy. Purple symbolizes confidence, self-esteem, wealth and even spirituality. Gardens provide wonderful places for personalized color therapy.

Gardening connects you with nature

Technology might benefit society in so many ways, but it doesn’t necessarily have a positive impact on mental health. Social media, for example, pressures people into feeling like they have to present themselves in a certain way online. As a result, they begin to base their self-worth on the likes and comments that they receive, and their self-confidence takes a serious hit when they don’t receive them.

Escaping the grasp of technology for just a few hours is a great way to destress, relax, and hit the reset button on your mental health issues. You don’t necessarily have to spend hours of your life outside tending to your garden — doing something as simple as walking barefoot across a lawn can decrease muscle tension and subsequently lower stress almost instantly. If you want to find the perfect grass seeds for your garden type and geographical location, be sure to click here for more information.

Gardening gives you responsibility

If you suffer with mental health issues, it might be worth you taking on the responsibility of tending to a garden. Taking on this challenge will give you a purpose, simply because it will be down to you to prune, water, and care for your plants. Having this type of purpose in your life will be sure to improve your sense of self-worth going forward.

Gardening is a great form of exercise

There are proven links between mental health and physical health. The more you work out, the more endorphins you release and, subsequently, the easier you find it to fend off paranoia and/or anxiety flare-ups. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to get up and get active. Your busy schedule might not leave you with much time to work out, or you might not feel motivated to exercise because you find it be boring and tedious.

Fortunately, gardening is a great form of exercise. Carrying things around your garden will improve your strength, bending to prune plants will improve your flexibility, and working outside for hours on end will improve your physical endurance.

Gardening is a good way to vent frustration

Bottling up your frustrations and angry emotions might be the reason why you suffer with mental health issues. If you are ever in need of an activity that will help you to vent your frustrations, be sure to consider gardening. Taking up this pastime will allow you to dig, cut, chop, and hack to your heart’s content. As a result, you will be able to vent your frustrations without hurting another person or getting yourself in trouble, and as an added bonus, you’ll have something to show for your efforts once you’re finished.

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