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4 Internet Options for Making Extra Money

4 Internet Options for Making Extra Money

No matter what the news outlets say about the economy, having extra money in your pocket is always a good thing. Maybe there is a dream vacation that awaits you or a down payment for a new car. Whatever your wish list may include, here are some easy ways to make some extra money without having to pick up a second job.

Do Online Surveys

Long gone are the days of those annoying phone calls asking you to take a brief survey on a recently advertised product. Nowadays, companies are turning to online mediums for feedback from the public. Some of these companies will even pay consumers for completing a survey. There are several free sites that you can join that help guide you through which surveys and companies will pay the most for your time and opinion.

Sell Your Old Jewelry

For those that inherited a lot of family jewelry or have simply accumulated too much, you could use an online buyer to make some cash. The key to getting the biggest payout will be finding the company offering the highest rates for scrap gold. Companies that deal with scrap gold generally take in silver or diamonds as well, so you aren’t completely limited in what kind of jewelry will give you a paycheck.

Rent a Bedroom

This is an option for extroverts who are a bit more adventurous and open to crazy ideas. Though you may think renting out a bedroom is insane, Airbnb and VRBO have become popular and lucrative options for taking care of extra space. If your kids have moved out, consider sprucing up the old rooms and renting them to college students, singles, or list them through a short-term rental site.

Negotiate Your Bills

You may have money flying out the window that you don’t even know about. Many people are paying for subscription services that are hardly used, if at all. Car insurance rates are equally crippling, and you may be able to leave your carrier of 10 years and find a cheaper premium. Trim is an app that will comb through your accounts and your bills to find places where you can save some money. The service can even cancel those subscriptions you haven’t been using.

These four areas are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to making extra money. Start a savings account and get busy planning your next big purchase, but use these ways to pay for it in cash.

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