Planning a wedding is an exciting but stressful time. There’s a lot to consider, from setting a budget, writing a guest list, choosing what you’re going to wear, finding a venue, deciding the menu, and many more. All those factors and the pressure to look your best for your special day can make the preparation overwhelming. Therefore, don’t forget to prioritize your health and well-being throughout this process. Use these tips to help you!
1. Set a Strict Budget and Focus
There is no doubt that the wedding industry is booming. It has multiple facets, including venues, hair and makeup, photography, decor, wedding planners, stationery, cake, hotels, fashion, and transportation. Therefore, you need to set a strict budget, or it will get out of hand quickly.
Many American couples spend as much as a third of their savings on weddings. It will likely be one of the most significant expenses of your life so far, and if you’re too stressed to enjoy it, it’s pointless. Choose a venue where you feel peaceful, food that reminds you of home, and music that you’ll replay for the rest of your life to remember your special day.
2. Set Manageable and Realistic Goals
It is no secret that the pictures you take on your wedding day will be shared for a lifetime. And all eyes will be on you when you walk down the aisle. Many soon-to-be spouses lose weight or tone up before their wedding, which is fine if you do it healthily.
Crash diets might seem like a good idea, but you’ll likely be starving and exhausted by the time the big day arrives. It’s better to take small, sustainable steps, like gradually reducing calories and incorporating exercise. Eat colorful, nutritious meals and drink plenty of water. It will trim your waistline, and your skin will glow.
Exercise is a great outlet. Whether you enjoy lifting weights, yoga, cardio, or a bit of all three, your physical and mental health will thank you. Just remember to set realistic goals.
3. Don’t Lose Sight of What’s Important
It is easy to be swept up in all the planning and excitement while losing sight of the real reason you are getting married. The wedding is one day. Yes, it will be magical, and you’ll remember it for the rest of your life, but your relationship needs to be strong enough to withstand the promise you’ll be making to one another in front of your loved ones.
Few people go into a marriage expecting to get divorced, and it’s the last thing you want to think about when you’re engaged. The reality is that the actual percentage of marriages that end in divorce in the U.S. varies between 40% and 50%. This is a scary statistic, so you should focus on building a solid and loving foundation with your future spouse rather than worrying about table setting and stationery.
You don’t want to get so swept up in planning a wedding that, when everything is over, you realize that neither of you has anything in common. The last thing you want is for things to fizzle out. You may end up with an uncontested divorce, where you both agree on all divorce issues, and litigation or extensive negotiation isn’t necessary.
However, none of that is to say that you shouldn’t be excited about your special day, and it is the chance to be around all of your loved ones and celebrate the life-long journey on which you’re about to embark.
When planning a wedding, your health will be at the forefront of your mind. Not only are you likely thinking about your physical appearance, but you also need to focus on your overall well-being during such a busy time.