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11 Best Ways to Increase Your Energy Levels

Do you constantly feel sleepy and/or lethargic? All you might need to do is make a few lifestyle changes to say goodbye to tiredness. Check out the 11 best ways to increase your energy levels.

11 Best Ways to Increase Your Energy Levels
  1. Take Control of Stress

Stress can significantly drain your body of essential energy. Reduce the mental and physical toll it takes on your body by attempting to slow down a busy schedule or by discussing the problem. It might be beneficial to talk about how you are feeling with a relative, friend, psychotherapist or a support group, as talking can often relieve the heavy burden of stress. Also, consider embarking on relaxation therapies, such as meditation, tai-chi, yoga or hypnosis.

  1. Exercise

You might think exercising is counterproductive if you are feeling tired, but physical activity can give your body a much-needed surge of energy. Exercise will allow your body to release stress hormones, such as epinephrine and norepinephrine, which can energize your body in modest amounts. It will also allow oxygen to circulate easily through your bloodstream, so it will provide your body with more energy to burn. Start with a brisk walk and increase your pace and intensity gradually.

  1. Enjoy A Good Night’s Rest

The tiredness and lethargy you are experiencing could be due to sleep deprivation. Boost your energy levels by enjoying a good night’s sleep every night. The amount of sleep you will require will depend on your age and physical activity levels, but the general rule of thumb is between seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Of course, the quality of your sleep is often just as important as the length of time. Visit Mattress Clarity to find out more about the best sleeping position.

  1. Don’t Sleep Too Much

While you must ensure you enjoy a good night’s rest each night, it is important you do not get too much sleep; otherwise, you might struggle to fall asleep the next night, which can interrupt your sleeping pattern. So, try to avoid oversleeping and napping during the day – no matter how tempting your bed might be.

  1. Stop Smoking

Most people are fully aware of the health implications of smoking, but did you know it can also impact your energy levels? It is known for causing insomnia, as nicotine in tobacco is a stimulant. It can, therefore, increase your heart rate and blood pressure, which can make you feel more awake. Once you eventually do fall asleep, the nicotine cravings can be so strong that they can wake you up. So, increase your energy by stumping out the cigarette.

  1. Drink Coffee in the Morning

As you are probably aware, caffeine can increase your alertness, which is why many people drink the hot drink to sharpen their mind and body. Unfortunately, too much caffeine can keep you awake at night, which can cause you to feel tired the next day. Avoid insomnia by only drinking caffeine before 2pm.

  1. Drink Water

Unsure what to drink in the afternoon? Water should become your best friend, if it isn’t already. It is the only nutrient that has been proven to enhance performance for every intense endurance activity. As a result, it can boost your energy far more than any caffeine or sugar-laden drink. Also, one of the first signs of dehydration is fatigue, so fuel your body with water to increase your energy.

  1. Reduce Your Alcohol Consumption

Do you often enjoy a tipple on your lunch hour? It could be causing your body to experience a mid-afternoon slump, as alcohol has sedative effects that will make you feel a little sleepy throughout the day. Also, if you want to have more energy in the evening, ditch the glass of beer or cocktail after the working day. Only drink alcohol in moderation, which should be consumed when you don’t mind winding down for the night.

  1. Eat to Boost Energy

Rather than sticking to the traditional three meals a day, it might be better to eat smaller meals and snacks every few hours. This will provide your body will a steady flow of nutrients, which can increase your energy. Try to eat foods with a low glycemic index to prevent a reduction in energy, which is typical if you eat sugars and refined starches. Low glycemic index foods include high fiber vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and olive oil. It is also important to note that high carbohydrate foods also offer the highest glycemic indexes, so are best avoided. Instead, aim to consume more proteins and healthy fats, which have a glycemic index as low as zero.

  1. Don’t Skip Breakfast

One meal you certainly should never skip is breakfast, as it can provide the fuel your body needs to make it through the day. In fact, various studies have proved that people who eat breakfast each morning will not only have more energy, but they will also be in a better mood in comparison to those who skip the staple meal. So, sit down to enjoy eggs or a bowl or cereal, or grab a piece of toast or a breakfast bar to eat on your way to work. You will be glad you did.

  1. Reduce Your Workload

Many people often experience tiredness and lethargy due to working too hard. If you have many professional, social or personal responsibilities, you must look for ways to lighten your load. Write a list of all your tasks and number them by priority. Identify how you can realistically complete the highest priority tasks on your lists, and see if there is scope to delegate or cut them from your task list altogether. You will feel less stressed and will have more energy to complete each task to the highest possible standard.

Do you have any helpful advice on how to increase energy levels? Maybe you have some tried and tested tips you want to share. Please feel free to write a comment below.

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