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Worth the Weight – 5 Tips For Getting the Most Out of Your Weight Lifting Regimen

We have all been there.

We are at a dinner party and “that” couple walks in.  They always look so fit, happy and healthy!  Even in the middle of winter, they seem to have toned arms under their long sleeve shirts and strong legs hiding under their jeans.  That couple doesn’t binge exercise in a mad dash to look good for bathing suit season.  They look good year round because they put the effort in.  Hey, that could be you if you follow these 6 tips on how to get the most out of your weightlifting routine!

Worth the Weight - 5 Tips For Getting the Most Out of Your Weight Lifting Regimen

High-quality equipment

Whether your home gym needs a facelift, or you are wanting to revamp that spare bedroom into a muscle building meca, you better get yourself some good gear.  It can be overwhelming, especially if you don’t know to know where to start.   My personal favorite distributor is Little Bloke Fitness.  Check them out for inspiration on how to create your dream gym, buy the best equipment, and achieve your goals.

Tie Your Shoes

I think we can all agree on one thing, Michael McConaughey has an incredible body.

Hey, guys, even you can admit to this one.  You know what his main tip is for staying fit year round?  Tie your shoes.  The best tip for making the most out of your regimen is showing up.

Even the most in-shape people you know or see on television often have trouble gaining and maintaining momentum. Don’t think you are alone on that cold, dark morning not wanting to hit the gym! Exercise that brain to be consistently disciplined, then get your body moving and pumped up!

Worth the Weight

Not just the title of this article, but serious words to live by.

Ever heard of a term called paused reps?  It’s okay.  If you are new to weightlifting this may be a new concept and even one that seems counter-intuitive. Paused reps help you strengthen your weak points, and really help in your pursuit to strengthen muscle groups.  Paused reps also boost the safety of weightlifting, decreasing injuries and protecting joints. Add paused reps into squats, pull-ups, and pull-downs specifically to see the benefits.

Forced Eccentrics

Okay, that is a weightlifting term that just means pay attention to the lowering phase (eccentric) as much as the raising (concentric) phase.  Haphazardly lowering weights just to get to the next rep can do more damage than benefits.  Slow, steady, controlled lifting of the weights is the smarter, safer and more effective way to build muscle.  It is pretty wild how many different sets of muscles are used to lift and lower a weight.  Respect them both equally and see the results!

Eat Up!

Food is fuel.

You hear athletes say it all the time.  Often the beginner weight lifter will mistake eating a low-calorie diet as the fastest way to a hot body.  But guess what, it will never help you gain muscle. The food you put into your body directly impacts the building of muscle tone and decrease body fat.  What you eat is as important as how often you lift weights.  The two work together in tandem to create an optimal environment for muscle building and strength.

Knock, knock.  Who is there?  Your dream body, waiting to come out from this layer of winter chub!  The crazy thing about having perfect body envy for someone else’s body is that you have one of your own that can emerge at any moment.  Start by investing in some seriously inspiring gym equipment, then follow our simple weight lifting guidelines to get those muscles toned and ready for beach season.

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