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Your Goal Shouldn’t Be The Size or a Number: Learn How To Be In Harmony With Your Body

Your Goal Shouldn’t Be The Size or a Number: Learn How To Be In Harmony With Your Body

The recent study conducted by the Daily Mail has confirmed that about 60% of women hate their bodies. Only 4% of responders were completely happy with the way they looked. When it comes to men, approximately 26% of men are not satisfied with their bodies.

Hating your body can lead to low self-esteem, social and severe health issues. That’s why it is so important to admit that there is a problem to solve. Once you start loving your body the way it is, you will physically feel much better. When you are too hard on yourself, you raise the level of the stress hormone called cortisol. In turn, it affects your immune system function and causes premature aging.

That’s how you can get rid of chronic hurtful thoughts and finally make peace with your body:

Do what’s best for your body

If you stop eating in order to reduce your size, it will not make you feel good or look pretty; it will only harm your health. The same applies to people who eat enormous portions to self-medicate.

There is only one way to embrace self-love: you need to combine a healthy diet with regular physical exercise. To boost your immune system, reduce stress levels and promote your health, you can take vitamins and supplements such as Vitamin B, Vitamin C, omega-3 supplements, plexus slim, and magnesium.

Come up with a stop-word. Every time you self-sabotage ( e.g., lazy to go to the gym or make healthy food choices), tell yourself this word and start acting in your own interests.

If you can’t stop overeating or you are losing weight too fast, make an appointment with your doctor to get treatment.

Stop criticizing yourself

Your private inner dialogue can be the main obstacle that prevents you from reaching your goals. Overcoming toxic self-criticism requires some effort, but it is possible. First of all, admit that you do criticize yourself for different reasons. Write them down (e.g.: I don’t like the shape of my nose, my body size, stretch marks,etc.). Read your list once again and think what you can do to fix it. Become a responsible adult and start taking care of yourself. Secondly, try to understand that listing your problems is enough; there is no need to keep telling yourself what’s wrong with you.

Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, spend at least five minutes next to the mirror to say what you like about yourself. Self-talk is crucial to improve your self-esteem. Look into your eyes and tell yourself I care for you, I love you, You are not alone.

Make sure no one is around when you practice self-talk in front of the mirror. Being alone will help you relax and get yourself into the mood.

Devote time to yourself

If you want to become a better person and be able to love others, fill your own cup first. When you make a To-Do list for the day, add something that will make you feel better (shopping, meeting friends, going to the cinema, etc.). There is nothing wrong with spoiling yourself.

Don’t forget to connect to your inner-self. You can try meditation since it is a great way to centre yourself. Find a quiet place and start listening to your breath and eliminate your overwhelming thoughts. If meditation doesn’t work for you, you can start a journal. It will help you keep track of your negative thoughts, set up new goals, and have an intimate conversation with yourself.

Dress well

Your clothes can affect your mood, so make sure to throw away everything that doesn’t make you feel beautiful. Wearing pieces of clothes you like will make you confident. That’s why you need to learn how to select clothes for your body shape that will reflect your taste. If you find a shirt or dress you like but your friends don’t it, buy it anyway. It is your life, and only you should decide what to wear. Avoid buying clothes you don’t know how to combine. Also, never buy something you might wear in the future when you lose or gain weight. Some people say that it motivates them. However, one pair of jeans of the wrong size can also irritate and make you hate yourself for not reaching your goals fast.

One of the most important things is to accept yourself the way you are. After you do it, you will be able to face your weakness, relax and try to overcome it. You need to love yourself, take care of your health and well-being. Avoid comparing yourself to someone else. We are all different, and we shouldn’t let pop culture make us feel bad about ourselves. At the end of the day, the real beauty comes in different sizes and shapes.

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