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With the Pandemic Winding Down, Here’s How to Get Your Health Back on Track

get your health back on track

The recent pandemic has undoubtedly changed many lives and derailed some activities. You may have abandoned your regular workout routine or forgot to book your doctor’s appointment because of stress. Now that the pandemic is winding down and restrictions lifting, it is time to get your health back on track. Here’s how you can pick up the pieces if you have neglected yourself.

Schedule Overdue Doctor Appointments

The pandemic may have derailed one or two appointments. It could be your orthodontist or your annual physical check-up. These appointments may be overwhelming, but you can space them out at different times so that you do not miss any of them. While you are making these visits, ensure you also protect yourself. Although people have been vaccinated, the risk is still there, and you need to avoid it. Alternatively, you can opt for a virtual visit or request your doctor to do a house visit if you are uncomfortable making an office visit. WHO has shipped over 500,000 sets of personal protective equipment in 47 countries, so you can rest assured that your health is prioritized whenever you go for these appointments.

Go For Screening

Health experts encourage you to go for screening tests such as mammograms, colonoscopies, pap smears, and urinalysis, among other tests. The goal is to detect potential health disorders early enough and suggest lifestyle changes for better management and treatment. According to the American Cancer Society, there are at least 3,000 new cases in the U.S annually. Cancer is a deadly disease, but if caught in its early stages, the chances of treatment and recovery are higher. Therefore, if you missed a screening appointment during the pandemic, it is important to schedule one and be screened as early as possible.

Get In Shape Both Body and Mind

During the pandemic, when a lot of restrictions were imposed, many people were staying at home with little or nothing to do. Spending a whole day in the house with minimal movement and regular snacking can be bad for the body. First, your body needs energy from a nutritious diet and, later, exercises to use up all the energy. If the energy is not used up, this creates an imbalance where fats are stored and could lead to obesity. Starting again after a long period can be a bit difficult, but you can start slowly and build up on your routine to get your health back on track. For exercises, start with minimal activities such as morning and evening walks and slowly incorporate new intensive workouts as the weeks go by. For diet, you can consult your nutritionist to help you come up with a meal plan. Once you have changed to eating healthily, you will begin to notice some changes and even feel a difference in your body. For example, you will realize you are sleeping better, and your stress levels have started going down.

Consult A Therapist

Although the pandemic is winding down, the effects are still very much present in many people. Some lost their incomes, and some lost their loved ones. Such situations can take a toll on you and cause depression. If you feel unmotivated or developing anxiety, it is best to talk to a professional to help you manage the situation. A therapist can acquire your patient records and check for any symptoms before recommending treatment. A patient’s medical records are kept for a decade as per MMCP guidelines. The records can help discover whether there are any underlying conditions.

You may have neglected your health during the pandemic, but you can still make valuable strides to get back on track. So schedule those pending appointments and go for screening. Do not worry that your pace is slow in getting back. Small incremental changes are still changes, and ultimately, you will achieve your goals.

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